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Releases: markmikkelsen/Gannet


02 Aug 15:34
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Major changes

  • Rewrote SiemensRead.m to reduce code length

Minor changes

  • Updated DICOMRead.m, including to support Siemens XA30 data
  • Updated SpectralRegistrationHERMES.m
    • SNR limit is now estimated as in RobustSpectralRegistration.m
    • Bug fix for indexing for output saved from maximum likelihood estimation
  • Updated dicm2nii to version 2023.03.16
  • Updated export_fig to v3.40
  • Added Gannet documentation website URL to error dialog box
  • Changed the way path names are printed in error dialog box
  • Turned off iteration limit warning in FitChoCr.m
  • Updated UpdateGannet.m to ensure all sub-directories are added to the search path after updating
  • Added issue templates (in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE) for blank issues, bug reports, and feature requests
  • Refined alignment of text/logos in output figures
    • The units used for displaying textual results are now normalized to fit to any subplot dimension
    • The textual results in the GannetCoRegister, GannetSegment, CoReg, and Seg output figures are now correctly centered
  • The weighted signal averaging method used is now saved in the structure output
  • The weighting factors calculated when applying weighted signal averaging are also now saved in the output
  • Updated SavePDF.m such that when appending PDFs using export_fig, the figure size will now be equivalent in pixels on Windows and Mac systems
  • Updated NIfTIMRSRead.m
  • Updated
  • Updated GannetFitPhantom.m
  • Removed redundant global frequency shift in RobustSpectralRegistration.m
  • The z-standardized MSEs calculated in the spectral registration subroutines are now saved in the structure output
  • Updated GannetVersion.m to also output version numbers of Gannet modules
  • A warning is now printed when users process Siemens .rda data encouraging them to instead use TWIX (.dat) data
  • Added support for GE P-file header revision 30 (#28)

Bug fixes

  • Bug fix for special character \ in Windows file path names printed in the error dialog box
  • Fixed bug in GannetMask_NIfTI.m where the co-registered MRS voxel was incorrectly flipped in the GannetCoRegister output figure
  • Fixed bug in GannetQuantify.m where the alpha value was incorrectly being printed multiple times when multiple were run in batch
  • Added fix in VersionCheck.m so that when users have limited or restricted internet access, an error is avoided (#27) - thanks @alexcraven!


14 Mar 19:05
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New features

  • Compressed NIfTI files (*.nii.gz) are now fully supported
  • Gannet now fully quantifies metabolite levels for Cr, Cho, and NAA (estimated from the OFF

Major changes

  • Moved local signal model functions out of GannetFit.m and into their own files:
    • BaselineModel.m
    • CalcIU.m
    • DoubleGaussModel.m
    • EtOHModel.m
    • GABAGlxModel.m
    • GaussModel.m
    • LorentzGaussModel.m
    • LorentzGaussModelP.m
  • Added GetFullPath.m; Gannet now will find the full path of input files by default
  • Renamed some of the data-loading functions

Minor changes

  • Added a check in GannetQuantify.m for datasets without water references; GannetQuantify.m will
    not run if no water references are present
  • Added a check in GannetCoRegister.m to ensure all structural image files can be found
  • Updated export_fig to v3.33
  • Updated dicm2nii to version 2023.03.08
  • Updated LICENSE and
  • Updated ExportToCSV.m
  • Updated CoRegStandAlone functions
  • Replaced use of 1i with complex()
  • Removed unused variable T1max
  • Removed unnecessary ones() parameter in LorentzModel.m and TwoLorentzModel.m
  • Philips *.spar file extension is no longer saved in the output structure
  • Removed calculation of df in GannetLoad.m; added dt in its place
  • Exported CSV files will no longer be overwritten if a CSV file of the same name already exists in
    the output directory; instead, a new file is created and appended with an integer
  • Added new output structure attribute nrows_water
  • Reordered structure subfields for metabolites in GannetFit.m and ExportToCSV.m
  • Shifted Gannet logo and version number in PDF outputs slightly to the right
  • Alpha values are now included in exported CSV files
  • Replaced the Gannet logo with a PNG version

Bug fixes

  • Added a check for letter case of *.dcm and *.ima files in DICOMRead.m and SiemensDICOMRead.m
    (dir() is case-sensitive in Linux)
  • Added a fix to avoid an error where MATLAB tried to close figures following an unrelated internal
    error, but no figures were created
  • Fixed a bug in NIfTIMRSRead.m that led to an error if the Manufacturer field is not found in
    the data file header
  • If export_fig.m cannot be found on the search path and append has been flagged in
    GannetPreInitialise.m, it is made clear to the user that PDFs will be saved separately
  • Fixed bugs in AlignUsingH2O.m
  • Fixed a bug in SiemensDICOMRead.m where an error occurred if centerFreq is not found in the
    data file header


22 Oct 22:43
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New features

  • Added functionality to read NIfTI-MRS files (Clarke et al., MRM, 2022) (NIfTIMRSRead.m); includes additional new function GannetMask_NIfTI.m for voxel co-registration
  • Added support for Utah Siemens MEGA-PRESS sequence (DICOM files)
  • Added support for CMRR PRESS data (DICOM files)
  • Added support for Siemens XA30 sequence as provided by JHU
  • Changed README to, which now includes badges

Major changes

  • Coil combination of GE, NIfTI-MRS, and Siemens TWIX files is now performed using generalized least squares (An et al., JMRI, 2013); this approach has been shown to result in optimal SNR and reduce spectral artifacts
  • The Gannet logo has been reverted to the original image of a gannet

Minor changes

  • Added functionality for GE data in AlignSubSpectra_PreAlignRef.m
  • An error is presented if not enough inputs are given for any of the Gannet modules
  • CoRegStandAlone outputs can be hidden if MRS_struct.p.hide is set to 1 in CoRegStandAlone.m (default is 0)
  • If the user has no internet connection, VersionCheck.m and UpdateGannet.m will not run
  • Updated dicm2nii to latest version (version 2022.09.15)
  • Updated mapVBVD functions to latest version (
  • Turned off warnings of iteration limits in SpectralRegistrationHERMES.m and GannetFit.m
  • Many cosmetic changes in the code

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in error reporting in GannetFit.m
  • CoRegStandAlone routines now parse version numbers from the main modules properly
  • Variable filesExist in GannetSegment.m may not populate; it is now pre-initialized as a precaution
  • Bug fix in GannetMask_SiemensRDA.m
  • Bug fixes for reading DICOM files


07 Jun 19:53
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Minor changes

  • PhaseCorrection.m now deals better with spectra that have a non-zero baseline
  • SPM12 now outputs a forward deformation field (needed for normalizing voxel masks to MNI space)
  • Updated export_fig to v3.27
  • CoRegStandAlone.m now exports a CSV file
  • Various cosmetic changes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sub-spectra alignment for GE HERCULES data
  • Fixed bug in CoRegStandAlone.m
  • Fixed bug in read_dcm_header.m (thanks to Meredith Reid)


30 Jul 22:59
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New features

  • Added GannetVersion.m, VersionCheck.m, and UpdateGannet.m; these new functions let users know the version of Gannet they have, if a newer release of Gannet is available, and will allow them to automatically update if wanted
  • Added ToolboxCheck.m to check for missing MATLAB toolboxes needed to run Gannet
  • Error dialog boxes are displayed at the end of the analysis pipeline if an error occurred (during a batch analysis, Gannet will skip to the next dataset and continue running)
  • Users can now choose to use weighted (the default) or conventional signal averaging in GannetPreInitialise.m (outlier scans are removed when using conventional averaging, as before)
  • Added a new (optional) method for robust, weighted signal averaging: weighted averaging by criterion function minimization (WACFM) using the generalized Cauchy distribution as the cost function; see doi: 10.1016/j.bbe.2015.06.002 for more details; additionally, instead of weighting difference pairs, the subspectra of each editing subexperiment are weighted to generate weighted subspectra, which are then subtracted; see SignalAveraging.m
  • Yair Altman's export_fig toolbox is included as an optional toolbox that, if added to MATLAB's search path, Gannet will use to append all output PDFs from each module into a single PDF (a flag must be set in GannetPreInitialise.m to do this); this is very useful for easy QA of lots of data; note that Ghostscript needs to be installed for the appending of PDFs to work (NB: macOS users should use this version or use Homebrew to install Ghostscript)
  • Implemented use of hyperlinks in info and error messages printed in the command window so that users can: (1) directly run a certain function (such as UpdateGannet.m when VersionCheck.m informs the user a new release is available); (2) go straight to the line of code where an encountered error can be fixed (such as errors in GannetPreInitialise.m); or (3) go to a website by clicking on the printed URL (such as to download SPM12); the relevant code has been borrowed from export_fig
  • Added an option in GannetPreInitialise.m that allows users, when using robust spectral registration, to use the averaged pre-aligned subspectra as references for aligning the averaged post-aligned subspectra (this may be helpful when robust spectral registration makes the alignment of already good-quality pre-aligned spectra worse)
  • PaperPlot.m now allows users to plot an exemplary voxel mask co-registered to the respective structural image
  • Added GannetMask_GE_nii.m; GE users can now use NIfTI images instead of DICOMs to co-register their MRS voxels to structural images
  • Added the ability to trim datasets
  • Extended the ability to concatenate files, including over multiple subjects
  • Added a flag in GannetPreInitialise.m (MRS_struct.p.hide) to prevent output figures from displaying (useful when processing a large batch of files)

Major changes

  • The outdated manual PDF has been removed; up-to-date software documentation will now be found online:
  • Gannet is now licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License
  • Alpha tissue correction is now performed on a by-metabolite basis rather than fixing the intrinsic WM:GM concentration to 1:2 (alpha) for all metabolites (assuming for now the ratio is 1:2 for GABA and Glx and 1:1 for GSH, EtOH and Lac); the alpha that is assumed is displayed in the GannetQuantify output figure
  • Removed MRS_struct.p.ON_OFF_order from GannetPreInitialise.m; the order of editing pulses is now determined automatically; the relevant code has been borrowed from Osprey (this has only been tested to a limited extent so may require further tweaking)
    • The exception to this change is phantom data, where users will still need to specify the order of editing pulses

Minor changes

  • Datasets with differing number of averages can now be batch-processed together
  • Turned off the progress bar displayed when loading Siemens TWIX data to reduce loading time
  • Renamed some files for the sake of clarity and style; removed obsolete GannetMask.m
  • Signal averaging and subtraction are now done in the new function SignalAveraging.m
  • Various improvements to RobustSpectralRegistration.m (formerly Robust_Spectral_Registration.m) for better handling of data acquired using very strong water suppression
  • The assumed concentration of pure water in GannetFit.m and GannetFitPhantom.m (PureWaterConc) has been changed from 55 to 55.51 mol/kg; this puts it in line with the same constant used in GannetQuantify.m
  • Added edits from Ralph Noeske (GE Berlin) to GERead.m for better handling of data when nechoes == 1; also changed the scaling factor if nechoes > 1 (hopefully this makes water-referenced measurements consistent across all data encoding flavors)
  • In GERead.m and PhilipsRead_data.m, instead of using the first point in the FID for signal weighting, the most common point that is the max in the magnitude signal across all FIDs is now used
  • Some changes to SiemensDICOMRead.m and DICOMRead.m for smarter handling of data files: for each dataset, metabolite and water data files should be stored in separate folders
  • Improved ExportToCSV.m; a single .csv file is now exported for HERMES datasets; useful variables such as signal areas and Cr fit quality metrics are now also exported
  • Rewrote DiscernDataType.m (formerly GannetDiscernDatatype.m)
  • Minor changes and improvements to PaperPlot.m
  • Minor changes to CoRegStandAlone.m functions
  • Minor changes to SignalFilter.m
  • Simplified EddyCurrentCorrection.m (formerly phase_correction_fids.m)
  • Set up SPM12 for batch tissue segmentation only when tissue segmentation has not already been run and do it only once in a batch
  • AllFramesFT (for the last loaded dataset) is now also saved in MRS_struct.spec
  • When saving the MRS_struct structure, the .mat file is now saved using version 7.3 (for the rare case when the structure is >= 2 GB on 64-bit computers)
  • Removed MRS_struct.p.sdat from GannetPreInitialise.m and the corresponding code from GannetLoad.m (this feature was never really used by users afaik)
  • Improved global zero-order phasing in SpectralRegistrationHERMES.m
  • Many cosmetic/aesthetic changes
    • The module output figures now show information useful for reporting acquisition parameters and results (in line with the MRSinMRS checklist)
    • Co-registered/segmented voxel masks displayed in GannetCoRegister, GannetSegment, and GannetQuantify output figures are now shown in yellow rather than grayscale
    • Smarter stacking of HERMES difference spectra in PlotPrePostAlign.m and PlotPrePostAlign2.m (formerly GannetPlotPrePostAlign.m and GannetPlotPrePostAlign2.m)
    • The Gannet documentation website URL is printed at the bottom of every output figure
    • Removed irrelevant messages from being printed in the command window during the analysis pipeline, replacing them with more useful messages
    • Minor rearranging of results text in GannetSegment and GannetQuantify output figures
    • Slight change to the y-axis labels of the Cr frequency spectrogram in the GannetLoad output figure
    • Better reordering of MRS_struct.out subfields created in GannetFit.m

Bug fixes

  • Frequency and phase offset estimates are now tracked correctly and saved when running any of the spectral registration-based alignment methods
  • Removed old debugging conditional statement in TWIXDeIdentify.m
  • Explicitly specify color of water frequency trace in GannetLoad output figure as there appears to be a bug since MATLAB R2019b when using hold to overlay plots
  • Added EtOH signal parameters to GannetQuantify.m
  • In SiemensTwixRead.m, if no water reference is provided, use the most common point that is the max in the magnitude signal across all FIDs instead of just using the first point
  • Fixed an orientation problem in GannetMask_GE.m
  • Removed unnecessary complex conjugate transpose during FFT of water data in GannetLoad.m
  • Turned off warnings about legacy number generator in RobustSpectralRegistration.m (for when rng and randn are run in SignalFilter.m) if they are already turned on