Repo for building my ghost driven, github hosted blog.
There are a couple of post-Buster steps to clean up some of the output from that program.
- Switch in to Ghost directory using node command prompt and start ghost using
npm start
Note: that ghost runs with node 0.10.x. I have multiple versions of node installed so before starting ghost I select the version of node to use for ghost using nvmw in my node command prompt in the ghost directory:
nvmw use 0.10.9
- Make desired change. Note: if your desired change involves deleting anything then you should perform a
gulp deep-clean
before executing the buster steps. This is because the buster generate does not clean out the destination directory.
Open an admin console and switch in to buster directory
Execute the following command:
buster generate --domain=http://localhost:2368 --dir=C:\mark\ghost-builder-dir\static\
- Switch in to ghost-builder-dir and execute the following command:
gulp shallow-clean
gulp build
- Switch in to folder and execute the following commands:
git commit -m "my commit comment"
git push
+-- buster
+-- ghost-0.6.4
| +-- content\images
| +-- content\themes\slimpost-master\assets
+-- ghost-builder
| +-- .git
| +-- .gitignore
| +--gulpfile.js
| +-- .git
| +-- .gitignore
| +-- CNAME
| +--
| +-- gulp generated dynamic content
| +-- buster generated dynamic content