Stream raspberry pi camera via Http Live Stream HLS
Use ffmpeg. Avconv produces a lot of errors multiplexing the output of raspivid
connect and configure Raspberry Pi camera board.
check that raspivid can record video from the camera.
install ffmpeg (not in raspbian repositories), binaries available from Choose download / linux / Linux Static Builds. Download the armhf build for newer raspberry pi's. Unarchive and move the created directory somewhere: like to
. So you will have e.g.:/usr/local/ffmpeg-3.3.2-armhf-32bit-static/
. -
create symlinks for /usr/local/ffmpeg-/bin/ffmpeg, ffmpeg-10bit and ffserver into
. -
put streamCamHls in
. -
check paths and settings in top of file.
run command streamCamHls
files like movie*.ts, movie.m3u8 shoud be written to OUTDIR
now install a webserver, like nginx.
put file in
: contents:
disable_symlinks off;
create a symlink from OUTDIR to nginx http dir (usually
.) -
fire up a video player, like vlc on a computer that can reach the raspi, enter the url: http:///hls/movie.m3u8. (hls should be name of symlink to OUTDIR in nginx http dir, movie.m3u8 should be name of OUTFILE (as defined in streamCamHls).
Please use a ramdisk for OUTDIR, like /dev/shm
, standard on Raspbian. Writing to your flash card will
wear it out quickly.
- create a user webcam
- add it to the group video
- place camhls.service file in /etc/systemd/system
- reload systemd deamon:
systemctl daemon-reload
- enable service:
systemctl enable camhls
- start service:
systemctl start camhls