Simple Übersicht widget status bar with yabai support.
Originally forked from I made it work with yabai and tweaked the aesthetics to match my preference.
Clone this repo to your Übersicht widgets directory.
$ git clone $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Übersicht/widgets/nibar
- jq — used for parsing json output and displaying the workspaces widget
- install with homebrew:
brew install jq
- install with homebrew:
- SF Fonts (optional) — used for symbols in the statusbar widget
The widgets for displaying yabai workspaces aren't refreshing automatically.
To refresh them, you can add these lines utilizing yabai's signals at the end of .yabairc
# refresh primary display workspaces
yabai -m signal --add event=space_changed \
action="osascript -e 'tell application \"Übersicht\" to refresh widget id \"nibar-spaces-primary-jsx\"'"
# refresh secondary display workspaces
yabai -m signal --add event=space_changed \
action="osascript -e 'tell application \"Übersicht\" to refresh widget id \"nibar-spaces-secondary-jsx\"'"
- add support for
) workspaces