Handle notification of new webmentions from webmention.io.
See src/hubot-webmention-io.coffee
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-webmentionio-notify --save
Then add hubot-webmentionio-notify to your external-scripts.json
user1>> hubot wmio follow mywebsite.com
hubot>> @user1 OK! Use this as your Web Hook: <HUBOT_URL>/hubot/wmio/notify
And use this as your callback secret: 1a2b3c4d5e6f7890
In your webmention.io dashboard, set the Web Hook URL and callback secret for each domain that you are following.
Notifications will be sent to the room in which you started following. They look like:
hubot>> Alice Bob liked http://mywebsite.com/a-cool-post/ - http://alicebob.com/i-like-a-cool-post.html
You can stop accepting notifications for a site:
user1>> hubot wmio unfollow mywebsite.com
hubot>> @user1 OK! No longer following mywebsite.com
webmention.io can currently only send one token, so if you want to change the room in which you receive a notification, you'll have to unfollow and re-follow.