TCP listener, provides message decoding and encoding using proprietary binary protocol.
Request processor function is injected into server to handle requests:
Processor function will be called with decoded request String and expected to return the response String or response Promise. If no response should be sent, just return nothing or resolve promise with no value.
Also a Client is provided for testing and simulation.
npm install pcats-listener
var listener = require('pcats-listener');
* Request processor function is injected into server to handle requests.
* @param {String} request
* @returns {Promise} response or {String} response
function processor(request){
// process the request and return response
return "Hello " + request;
var server = listener.createServer(processor);
server.listen(18888, localhost, function() {
console.log('server bound');
var listener = require('pcats-listener');
var client = listener.createClient();
client.connect(18888, 'localhost', function(err, connection) {
// handle connection error
// 'response' event
connection.on('response', function(response){
console.log('got response', response);
// disconnect
// 'close' event - emitted if tcp connection was closed before connection.end() was called
connection.on('close', function() {
console.log('Sorry connection is lost, exiting...');
// send request
also see examples folder for more client implementations
connection.request(message, [callback])
sends request. connection will emit 'response' event when response is received. The optionalcallback
parameter will be executed when the data is finally written out - this may not be immediately -
request connection to close -
Event: 'response'
emits 'response' event when response is received -
Event: 'close'
emits 'close' event if tcp connection was closed before connection.end() was called