A simple dice game with two players. Each player repeatedly rolls a die until either a 1 is rolled or the player decides to "hold". The player who first scores 100 or more points wins. 25/08/2017
This is a simple dice game where two players have the chance to roll the dice to try and achieve a score of 100. Each player repeatedly rolls a die until either a 1 is rolled or the player decides to "hold".
The rules of the game are:
- When a player rolls a 1, their total score reverts to 0 and it becomes the next player's turn.
- When the player rolls a 2 - 6, the score is added to their turn total and they can continue to play
- When the player chooses to "hold", their turn total is added to their total score, and it becomes the next player's turn.
- The player who first scores 100 or more points wins.
- It can display the inputted name of the players when 'Play' is clicked.
Player1: Mary Player2: Sam
Players: Mary Sam
- Player1 can roll the dice and the result displayed as their turn score.
'Roll' button is clicked Dice Score: 3
Turn Score: 6
- Player1 can hold the dice and their turn total score is added to their total score. Player2 then has the chance to play.
'Hold' button is clicked.
Turn Score: 3 Total Score: 9
- Player2 can roll the dice and the result displayed as their turn score.
'Roll' button is clicked Dice Score: 2
Turn Score: 5
- Player2 can hold the dice and their turn score is added to their total score. Player1 then has the chance to play.
'Hold' button is clicked.
Turn Score: 4 Total Score: 9
- If a player's dice score is a 1, their turn score will be reduced to 0.
'Roll' button is clicked Dice Score: 1
Previous Turn Score: 30 New Turn Score: 0
To view the website, click Pig Dice Game or copy (https://marynganga.github.io/Pig-Dice-Game) to your browser and load it.
No known bugs.
MIT ©2017 Mary Ng'ang'a