This is my private note-taking scratchpad while I'm doing a deep dive into Git. It's mostly for me, but maybe you'll find it useful too. Who knows.
I find it useful to write down questions explicitly, and then find the answers and write them down too. So this is what I will be doing with Git. The goal: to learn Git in depth. What is are really the dreams that stuff is made of? How do things work and why? Inner secrets, mysteries, source code, etc.
A quick map:
terms/ Like "commit", "index", etc.
questions/ Divided into topics, subcommands, etc.
porcelain/ High-level commands
plumbing/ Low-level commands
first/ A study of e83c51, the first Git commit
releases/ When, what, and why
By the way, is a pretty good introduction, and captures the kind of level I want to learn at.