Corrective shot sculpting tool for maya.
version 0.01 12/15/19
Author: Mason Smigel
MS-Shot-Sculpt creates, edits and animates tangent space blendshapes across skinned meshes.
It stores all the animation, mesh and blendshape data in a single Shot-Sculpt Node (DO NOT DELETE IT!!!!)
1. Move the scripts/ file to your maya scripts directory.
found at:
MAC :/Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts
WIN: <drive>:\\Documents\\maya\\scripts
2. Move the icons/MS_shotSculptor_Icon.png to your maya icons directory
found at:
MAC :/Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/prefs/icons
WIN: <drive>:\Documents\\maya\<version>\prefs\icons
3. Restart maya if it is currently running.
4. select the shelf you would like to add the button to. Drag and drop the file into maya
----------------------- OR -----------------------
1. Open the in a python tab of the script editor
2. Run the script
1. Select all Skinned Meshes you wish to influence and press "Create Shot-Sculpt Group".
2. Move to the frame you want to correct and press "Create Sculpt-Frame"
3. Use any sculpting and modeling tools (NO DEFORMERS) to sculpt your corrective.
4. Press the Edit button to exit edit mode.