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matburt edited this page May 12, 2011 · 3 revisions

Dropbox Setup

Logging in

Before using MobileOrg with Dropbox you will need to log in to get an authentication token. Do this by first selecting "Dropbox" in the "Synchronization Mode" settings menu, then select "Configure Synchronizer Settings" and choosing "Login".

MobileOrg will not store your Dropbox credentials, instead we ask you to login once to receive an OAuth token, once you have logged in and received this token you will not need to login again unless you change your password or invalidate the token from your Dropbox account.

Setting the path

After logging in, go to "Path" under the "Configure Synchronizer Settings" settings menu. This path should include the leading slash and be the full path to your file stored on the dropbox server, for example:



After logging in and setting the path you can now return to the main screen and select "Sync" to pull your org-mode files. The first time you sync it could take a few minutes if you have a lot of files. Subsequent sync operations should be faster since MobileOrg will examine the checksums listed in checksums.dat (Generated by org-mobile-push) to know which files to download


There have been some reports of extremely slow downloads of some large Org files, if you experience this... please report it in the "Issues" section of the mobileorg-android project on Github