The purpose of this project is to help students of computer engineering understand the concepts of superscalarity in microprocessor architecture.
This program consists of a simulator for a superscalar architecture based on Tomasulo's algorithm.
This is an alpha version with the purpose of being evaluated and improved. Any contributions are welcomed.
Roberto Miranda
Eduardo Gregório
- Java 10 or lower
You need to set your java executable locations in the path_to_JDK_executables.txt file to the apropriate ones. (If the latest java version you have installed is less or equal to version 10, ignore this step.)
You can use the scripts in this folder to run, compile or build the entire project. Use the PowerShell scripts (.ps1 files) for Windows and the .sh files for UNIX. To execute the PowerShell scripts, you need to open PowerShell and execute this command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process
There's a JRE 8 compiled binary available in the dist folder. To use it, just double click the SuperscalarSIM.jar file. You can also run it from the command line.
$ java -jar dist/SuperscalarSIM.jar
Once started, go to File menu, then Open Program. It will appear a file selection window. Select a pseudo MIPS assemply file and click Open. Some examples are available in the test folder. After selecting the file the assembly code will appear in the memory block, represented by the left side table.
On the Configuration menu it's possible to select different pipeline execution options.
Operational Units
- Second ALU Unit
- Second FP Unit
- Second Memory Unit
- 2-line Buffer
- 3-line Buffer
Pipeline Ways
- 1-way Pipeline
- 2-way Pipeline
- 4-way Pipeline
Now you'll be able to see the instructions flowing through the pipeline one clock tick at a time.
Every time you click on the Next button, at the left lower side, you push the execution ahead one clock cycle. Thus the simulator will evalute every pipeline stage. The menu command File -> Run have the same purpose.