This repo is for my studies about C language.
While studying C, data structures, algorithms, design patterns I decide to make this repository to safe all my code and serving as future reference. Considering that is a study's repository, some codes may be not the best example, because it was done when I learned, but I believe all of them achieve their purpose.
Currently the repository is still in progress.
- Array implementation in C
- Rational numbers implementation using Structs
- Complex numbers implementation using Structs
- Fixed-points implementation using Structs
- Inheritance using C
- Polymorphism using C
- Stack implementation in C
- Array implementation using Stack
- Double Stack implementation in C
- Infix expression to postfix expression using Stack
- Evaluating postfix expression using Stack
- Evaluating infix expression directly using Stack
- Infix expression to prefix expression using Stack
- Sum, product, average
- Factorial, fibonacci
- Binary Search
- Validating Algebraic Expression
- Greatest Commom Divisor
- Combination using Recursion(Cnk)
- Generalized Fibonacci Sequence
- Merge Sort
- Tower Of Hanoi using Recursion
- Prefix expression to postfix expression using Recursion
- Evaluating prefix expression using Recursion
- Quick Sort
- N Queen Problem using Backtracking
- Circular Queue implementation using Array
- Priority Queue implementation using Array
- Generical Linear Linked List implementation using pointer method
- Stack implementation using Linear Linked List
- Queue implementation using Linear Linked List
- Priority Queue implementation using Linear Linked List
- Generical Circular Linked List implementation using pointer method
- Josephus Problem using Circular List