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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 17, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Documentation used:

Install in 2019

Copy the content of vvv-custom.yml in your VVV configuration.

Reload your VVV instance and provision the new site by doing

vagrant reload --provision

Inside VVV (run vagrant ssh from the VVV folder to get inside)

Install Ruby 2.0.0 (with rbenv)

rbenv install 2.0.0

Install compass and link to default folder, for Sass compilation

gem install compass -v 0.12.4
sudo mkdir -p /opt/wordmove
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /opt/wordmove
ln -s $USER/.rbenv/shims/compass /opt/wordmove/compass

For Coffeescript compilation

ln -s $USER/.rbenv/shims/ruby /opt/wordless/ruby
gem install thor coffee-script therubyracer yui-compressor
gem install sprockets -v 3.2.0