A command-line desktop calculator for Unix
oak exists because
is too cryptic and doesn't use readlinebc
and similar programs use infix notation, not RPNapl
is all that, and requires a special keyboard too
oak borrows a little from all these as well as Forth and PostScript.
Clone the repo and run make oak
The following targets are defined in the Makefile:
- oak make and install the binary
- lint run golangci-lint (must be installed)
- test run go test -v -cover
- demo make oak and run the demo
- demo-test run the demo, compare to expected output
- clean clean up build/test stuff
TODO - allow oak to be downloaded with go get
(but we need the version to be set correctly)
oak simulates a classic stack-based RPN calculator [RPN -- reverse Polish notation -- is also known as postfix notation]. Numbers are pushed onto a stack, and operators take the top item (or top two items) and leave a result on top of the stack.
For example
$ oak
> 2 3 +
1: 5
> 2 pi 3 sqr * *
2: 56.54867
where the second example is 2 * pi * r**2
for r=3
: the area of a circle with radius 3.
oak uses readline in interactive mode, allowing prior input lines to be recalled and edited.
Variables in the form $n
allow re-use of prior results ($4
recalls the fourth result in the session).
A special variable $0
acts as the "last x" operator, recalling the top-of-stack value from the last operation.
For example
> 4 sqrt
1: 2
> $0 + # where $0 in this case is 4
2: 6
Note that the result of the previous calculation remains on top of the stack, e.g.,
> 2 1 +
1: 3
> 1 +
2: 4
It is common to label the four topmost stack items using the letters x, y, z, and w (where x resides on top of the stack); these are sometimes called registers in the literature (for calculators with a limited stack size).
We use this notation below to explain how operators are taken from the stack and results pushed back. However, use of these four named registers in the examples does not indicate the stack is limited to four items; it is actually unlimited.
There is an additional register known as "last x" which holds the last x value popped off the stack to be used as an operand. It is not part of the stack, and is accessible through the result variable $0
(more below).
At present, oak does not support using a "bottom-of-stack" t register whose contents are propagated upwards due to stack lift (used to provide a conveniently reusable constant in calculations); it doesn't seem necessary in a command-line calculator.
Decimal numbers (when the base is 10, which is the default) are evaluated as 64-bit floating point numbers, e.g.
When the base is set to an integer mode (binary, octal, hexadecimal) numbers are evaluated as unsigned integers (up to 64 bits) and may be written with 0[bB] or 0[xX] prefixes if desired, e.g.
Note that integers without a leading 0 will be interpreted as base 10 integer values. See more below.
A number is always pushed onto the top of the stack immediately.
A few commands take a string argument (e.g., mode), entered with double qoutes; these values are immediately pushed onto the stack. For example,
> "rad" mode
1: <nil>
> 0.524 sin
2: 0.500
TODO - consider operations on strings as data
There are three explicit display modes for floating-point values:
- fixed point
- scientific notation
- engineering notation (scientific, but exponents are always multple of 3)
These can be set from the command line of by commands (see below). oak uses Go's default floating point representation if no display mode is set.
For example:
> 3 recp
1: 0.3333333333333333
> 3 fix
2: 0.333
> 3 sci
3: 3.333e-01
> 3 eng
4: 0.333e+00
> 10 *
5: 3.333e+00
> 100 *
6: 0.333e+03
By default, trigonometry functions evaluate their arguments in degrees; the mode may be changed to radians (see "mode" and the degree/radians conversion operators below). For example,
> 30 sin
1: 0.500
> 30 rad
2: 0.524
> sin
3: 0.500
By default, the calculator operates in base-10 floating point mode, but may be changed to an integer mode (see "base" below).
Changing the base to binary, octal, or hexadecimal has these effects:
- input numbers are taken to be unsigned integers, with these options:
- a
prefix indicates binary - a
prefix indicates hexadecimal - numbers with a leading 0 will be taken as octal (e.g., 0177 is decimal 127)
- a
- the output of integers is formatted in the correct base; e.g. with a
prefix for hexadecimal numbers
If the base was changed by a conversion command ("bin", "oct", or "hex"):
- the top of stack will be converted to an unsigned integer (truncated) when the base is changed to binary/octal/hex
- other numbers (deeper in the stack) remain as floating point numbers unless disturbed, and will retain their full values if the mode is changed back
For example
$ oak
> oct 127 # could have been "127 oct" also
1: 0177
> 234
2: 0352
> +
3: 0551
> dec
4: 361
All math is integer math while the base is not decimal, and so any operation involving a floating point number may cause it to be truncated.
Truncated numbers are not restored when switching back to decimal.
For example
$ oak
> 2.3 8 base
1: 2.3
> dec
2: 2.3
> 3+
3: 5.3
> 8 base
4: 5.3
> 2+
5: 007
> dec
6: 7
$ oak
> 7 3.3 hex
1: 0x0003
> +
2: 0x000a
> dec
3: 10
Binary numbers display at a minimum 8 bits, octal 3 digits (plus leading zero), and hexadecimal 4 digits.
There will be no support for converting floating point numbers into their equivalent unsigned integer form and vice versa (i.e., for debugging IEEE formats).
Variables have two forms
"Result" variables in the form $1, $2, etc., auto-generated by evaluation (each name is the number of a result line)
For example
> 1 2 + 1: 3 > $1 2: 3 > + 3: 6 > 1 $3 + 4: 7
is a special case representing the "last x" value.A result variable name in the input causes its value to be pushed onto the stack. Result variables are automatically defined as results are printed (that is, line by line) and cannot be modified by a store operation.
User-defined variables with alphanumeric names (not starting with a digit), for example
User-defined variables must be created by a store (
) operation and deferenced by a recall (@
) operation; their values are not immediately pushed as in the case of result variables.For example,
> 1 2 + 1: 3 > $name ! 2: <nil> > 2 $name @+ 3: 5 > $name@+ 4: 8
oak offers the following floating-point binary operators:
+ {y,x} -> x = y+x
- {y,x} -> x = y-x
* {y,x} -> x = y*x
/ {y,x} -> x = y/x
% {y,x} -> x = y mod x
** {y,x} -> x = y to the power x
∑+ {y,x} -> y=y, x=n++ [add stats data point]
∑- {y,x} -> y=y, x=n-- [delete stats data point]
and these bitwise operations for unsigned integers:
& {y,x} -> x = y&x [bitwise and]
| {y,x} -> x = y|x [bitwise or]
^ {y,x} -> x = y^x [bitwise xor]
<< {y,x} -> x = y<<x [left shift]
>> {y,x} -> x = y>>x [logical right shift]
>>> {y,x} -> x = y>>>x [arithmetic right shift]
~ {x} -> x = !x [bitwise not]
along with the following floating-point unary functions, which replace the top of stack with a new value
abs absolute value
acos arccos (inverse cos)
alog 10 ** x (antilog)
asin arcsin (inverse sin)
atan arctan (inverse tan)
cbrt cube root (x ** 1/3)
ceil ceiling
chs change sign
cos cosine
cube cube (x ** 3)
exp e ** x
fact factorial [using gamma(x+1)]
floor floor
frac return the fractional part of the number
ln natural log
log log in base 10
recp reciprocal [1/x]
sin sine
sqr square (x ** 2)
sqrt square root (x ** 1/2)
tan tangent
trunc truncate
and these floating-point binary functions (some save the y register)
dist {y,x} -> x = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
dperc {y,x} -> y=y, x = (x-y)/y * 100 [percent change from y to x]
max {y,x} -> x = max(x,y)
min {y,x} -> x = min(x,y)
perc {y,x} -> y=y, x = y*x / 100 [x percent of y]
and these statistics functions
sum {y,x} -> y=y, x=n++ [n = # of data pts, same as ∑+]
mean push y = mean(y), x = mean(x)
stdev push y = stdev(y), x = stdev(x) [sample std dev]
sterr push y = stderr(y), x = stderr(x) [std error of mean]
line push y = slope, x = intercept
estm {x} -> push y = corr coefficient, x = estimated y
comb {y,x} -> x = combinations of y items x at a time
perm {y,x} -> x = permutations of y items x at a time
along with these advance math functions taking a word as a function
integr calculate the definite integral of the function (word) x from a to b
{a,b,x} -> x [a,b are in the z,y registers]
solve find a root of the function (word) x in the interval [a,b]
{a,b,x} -> x [a,b are in the z,y registers]
ddx calculate the derivative of the function (word) x at the point y
{y,x} -> x
d2dx calculate the 2nd derivative of the function (word) x at the point y
{y,x} -> x
and these bitwise unary functions
maskl {x} -> x = ^0 << (64-x), ^0 if x > 64 [left mask]
maskr {x} -> x = ^0 >> (64-x), ^0 if x > 64 [right mask]
popcnt {x} -> x = population count of x (# of 1 bits)
and these unary functions on user variables (e.g., $a
! {y,x} -> {}, vars[x]=y [store]
@ {x} -> x = vars[x] [recall]
as well as these operations on the stack / machine
clr reset top of stack (x register) to 0
clrall reset everything: stack, last x, variables
clrreg reset all non-stack registers (for now, "last x")
along with the statistics accumulating registers
clrstk reset the entire stack to empty along with the
statistics accumulating registers
clrvar reset the variable memory (both user-defined and
results variables)
delete removes a user-defined word or variable from memory
(although it may be referenced by another word)
depth push the existing stack depth onto it
{w,z,y,x} -> {z,y,x,#}
dump display the stack & variables, leave stack unchanged
(very primitive debugging tool ;-)
drop pop the top of stack
{w,z,y,x} -> {w,z,y}
dup duplicate the top of stack
{w,z,y,x} -> {z,y,x,x}
dup2 duplicate the top two stack items in order
{w,z,y,x} -> {y,x,y,x}
eng pop the top of stack and set engineering notation
(scientific notation, but exponents are multiples of 3)
fix pop the top of stack and set fixed precision
load pop a string off the stack and read the machine's
state from that file; overwrites the current state
over duplicate the second-from-top item onto the stack
{w,z,y,x} -> {z,y,x,y}
roll roll the top of stack to the bottom
{w,z,y,x} -> {x,w,z,y}
save pop a string off the stack and save the machine's
state into that file (for use with load or -i option)
sci pop the top of stack and set scientific format
status display current modes; leaves stack unchanged
swap swap the top two items
{w,z,y,x} -> {w,z,x,y}
top causes the top of stack to be the result
(a blank line does the same thing)
and these mode/conversion operations
mode pop the top of stack and set the trigonometry mode
{"deg","rad"} (default degrees)
deg convert radians to degrees (and change the mode)
rad convert degrees to radians (and change the mode)
base pop the top of stack and set base {2,8,10,16}
(default 10)
bin convert to integer, set base 2
oct convert to integer, set base 8
hex convert to integer, set base 16
dec convert to normal (floating point) mode, base 10
and finally these constants
e base of natural logarithms, 2.71828
pi ratio of diameter to circumference, 3.14159
phi the "golden" ratio, 1.61803
There is also a single punctuation mark, where the comma (,
) is used to separate lines of input (e.g., when using the
option, below).
The pound sign (#
) is used to start a comment that extends to the end of the line.
If you save the state of the machine with "save", that state includes
- the stack
- the "last x" value
- all user-defined variables (but not result variables)
- all user-defined words
- the stats registers, if defined
- the angular mode, display mode & digits, and base
Loading state with "load" overwrites all existing machine state except result variables.
oak allows the user to define simple words using a Forth-like syntax, for example:
: name op op ... ;
where the name may then be used as a function operating against the stack. The name must be a valid identifier (not a number) and the definition must include at least one operation (even if that is just a number, such as a word defining a new constant).
By "simple" we mean that there is not yet any way to specify conditional logic or iteration; the operations in the definition will be executed sequentially. As such, user-defined words are essentially macros. Note that there is no declaration of the numbers or types of parameters, nor any embedded comment.
In interactive mode (using readline), the entire macro definition must fit on one line.
The word definition may include references to user-defined variables. These are not checked until the word is executed, so runtime errors may occur if one is not defined in the machine then.
Also, user-defined words are not allowed to reference result variables (e.g., $1
) in their definitions, as these only exist on a per-session basis.
For example, we can create a macro to calculate decibels (dB)
> :dB log 10*;
1: <nil>
> 4 dB
2: 6.021
Note that we can create and use a definition on the same line, as in
> :dB log 10*; 4 dB
1: 6.021
Also, a word may be used as a symbol by prefixing it with a dollar sign $
. This is necessary when using a word as an argument to another operation, such as the advanced math operations (see below).
A word definition may include a local variable list
:name (var...) op op...;
where within the word, each local variable may be used as a read-only symbol (the value is pushed onto the stack without requiring @).
When the local variable list is "executed" a value is popped from the stack and assigned to the variable.
For example,
> :f (x) 3 $x/;
1: <nil>
> 4 f
2: 0.75
While this example is trivial, local variables are useful in more complex functions, particularly those passed to solve
and integr
(see below).
oak can calculate basic statistics on one or two variables, as well as perform linear regression and calculate the correlation coefficient.
The sum
command is used to enter data points one at a time (or one pair of y,x values). Each invocation of sum
leaves n (the number of data points) in the x register and y unchanged.
As an alternative, you can use the operators ∑+
) and ∑-
(where the latter removes a data point; there is no similar named function).
Given some number of data points, mean
calculates the mean (average) and stdev
the sample standard deviation.
Given some number of data points in two variables, line
calculates the linear regression y = ax+b, leaving the intercept b in the x register and the slope a in the y register.
Given some number of data points in two variables, estm
calculates an estimated y value for a given x, leaving the estimated y in the x register, and the correlation coefficient r in the y register (yes, we know it's confusing :-).
The functions mean
, stdev
, sterr
, line
, and estm
push new {y,x} pairs onto the stack (older data on the stack is pushed underneath). Note that of these functions only estm
takes a value from the stack (the input x value).
For example, given the following problem
N, kg/hectare (x) | Yield, tons (y) |
0 | 4.6 |
20 | 5.78 |
40 | 6.61 |
60 | 7.21 |
70 | 7.78 |
we enter it as
> 4.63 0 sum
1: 1.00
> 5.78 20 sum
2: 2.00
> 6.61 40 sum
3: 3.00
> 7.21 60 sum
4: 4.00
> 7.78 80 sum
5: 5.00
from which we may calculate
> mean
6: 40.00
> swap
7: 6.40
> stdev
8: 31.62
> swap
9: 1.24
with means for {x,y} of 40 and 6.48, respectively, and standard deviations of 31.62 and 1.24.
For linear regression we may calculate
> line
10: 4.86
> swap
11: 0.04
> 70 estm
12: 7.56
> swap
13: 0.99
giving us y = 0.04x + 4.86 as the line, and an estimated y of 7.56 given a new value x = 70, with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.99.
Using any of these statistics functions without having entered any data points will yield an error.
The statistics are calculated from separate statistics registers which are cleared by clrreg
, clrstk
, or clrall
(using clrstk
is recommended before entering data points to avoid picking up any old data from the stack).
The statitics registers used to sum these variables may be accessed as variables (using these register names for historical reasons):
$r_2 n (count of data points)
$r_3 ∑ x
$r_4 ∑ x**2
$r_5 ∑ y
$r_6 ∑ y**2
$r_7 ∑ xy
These special variables only exist when the statistic registers have data. They are read-only, so they can be read with @
but not written with !
oak can calculate numerical derivatives and integrals and find roots of a function. For details of the algorithms used, see Numerical Analysis, third ed. by Timothy Sauer (ISBN 9780134696454).
Each of these methods takes a word representing a function and one or two numbers. In all cases, the given word represents a real-valued function in one variable. It will be given a value on the stack and be expected to return its result on the stack.
These operations leave the "last x" register unchanged.
The function ddx
will calculate the derivative f'(x)
of a function f
represented as a word using a five-point finite-difference approximation [Sauer §5.1], with h = 1e-5.
For example, given f(x) = e**x
, calculate the derivative at 0 and 1
> 5 fix :f exp;
1: <nil>
> 0 $f ddx
2: 1.00000
> 1 $f ddx
3: 2.71828
Similarly, d2dx
calculates the 2nd derivative f''(x)
using a five-point finite difference scheme with h = 1e-3.
For example,
> 8 fix :f exp;
1: <nil>
> 1 $f d2dx
2: 2.71828183
> :g recp;
3: 2.71828183
> 2 $g d2dx
4: 0.25000000
The function integr
will calculate the definite integral of a function f(x)
between two values a and b (assuming a < b). It is based on Romberg integration [Sauer §5.3], but it is adaptive (splitting intervals in half) and uses a hack if needed to handle integrals which are improper at one endpoint or the other. It can be very very slow on some improper integrals.
For example, given f(x) = e**x
, calculate the definite integral over [0,2]
> :f exp;
1: <nil>
> 0 2 $f integr
2: 6.389056098930648
> 2 exp 1-
3: 6.38905609893065
where the value of the integral is e**2 - 1
(shown for comparison).
The lower bound of the interval must always be pushed onto the stack first, followed by the upper bound and then the word.
The Romberg method will run until the difference between successive estimates is less than eps = 1e-15 (or until it runs over a fixed limit on the number of iterations allowed, currently 24). The adaptive logic will run to a maximum recursive depth of 20.
NOTE that the results may be quite off for improper integrals or functions which oscillate wildly in the given interval. Unfortunately, it's just not possible for a calculator to handle all cases, and indeed the user should understand the problem being posed and not blindly trust the machine. See William Kahan's great article "Handheld calculator evaluates integrals", Hewlett-Packard Journal 31:8 (Aug 1980), pp. 23-32.
For example, the logarithm and reciprocal functions starting at 0 are improper:
> 10 fix :f ln;
1: <nil>
> :g sqrt recp;
2: <nil>
> 0 1 $f integr
3: -1.0000002767
> 0 1 $g integr
4: 2.0000006815
Here both examples converge (the exact values are -1 and 2), with the adaptive method yielding about 6 digits of precision, but the first result takes about 3 seconds to complete, while the second will take more than a minute on a modern laptop!
The function solve
takes a function f(x)
represented as a word as well as an interval [a, b] and attempts to find a root within that interval.
It uses Brent's method [Sauer §1.5], a combination of the secant method, inverse quadratic interpolation, and bisection methods [see also Dover's reprint of Brent's Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives (ISBN 9780486419985)].
The method iterates until the estimated root, or the difference between two successive estimates, is less than eps = 1e-15 (or until it runs over a fixed limit on the number of iterations allowed, currently 100).
If no root is found within the given interval, solve
will return "no solution". This should happen only when there is no root there, or perhaps when the root lies exactly at one end of the interval.
For example, given the function f(x) = x**2 + x - 1
, find a root between 0 and 2
> :g dup sqr + 1-;
1: <nil>
> 2 g
2: 5
> 3 g
3: 11
> 0 3 $g solve
4: 0.6180339887498949
> -3 0 $g solve
5: -1.618033988749895
The lower bound of the interval must always be pushed onto the stack first, followed by the upper bound and then the word.
Brent's method assumes f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs; if not, then solve
backs off to using the Newton-Raphson method [Sauer §1.4], which may not always work.
Also, Brent's method will return "no solution" if it cannot evaluate the function at one or both of the endpoints. For example, given f(x) = ln(6x - x**4)
(which is not defined at 0 or 2),
> :f (x) $x 6* $x 4** - ln;
1: <nil>
> 0 1 $f solve
no solution
> 0.001 1 $f solve
3: 0.16680
> 1 2 $f solve
no solution
> 1 1.8 $f solve
5: 1.75777
See also William Kahan's article "Personal calculator has key to solve any equation f(x) = 0", Hewlett-Packard Journal 30:12 (Dec 1979), pp. 20-26.
Also note that we can solve for roots of a function of a function, such as the derivatve. For example, given f(x) = x**3 - 2x**2 + 4
where g(x) = f'(x)
and h(x) = f''(x)
we can find the maximum, minimum, and inflection point:
> :f (x) $x 3** $x sqr 2*- 4+;
1: <nil>
> :g $f ddx;
2: <nil>
> -0.5 0.5 $g solve
3: -0.000
> 1 2 $g solve
4: 1.333
> :h $f d2dx;
5: 1.333
> 0 1 $h solve
6: 0.667
oak has only a few options
-e <input> read input from the command line
-f <file> read input from a file
-c <file> use this file for initial configuration
(in place of `~/.oak.yml`)
-i <file> load a stored machine image from a file
(this creates a non-empty initial state)
-fix <num> set fixed precison to <num> digits (e.g., %.3f)
-sci <num> set scientific format to <num> digits (e.g., %.3e)
-eng <num> like scientific format, but exponents are multiples
of 3 only
-rad start in radians mode for trigonometry
-debug show how the line parses for debugging
-demo run in demo mode, only works with -f
(print each input line before the output)
For example,
$ oak -e '1 2 +, 3+'
1: 3
2: 6
$ oak -e '127 bin, oct, hex'
1: 0b01111111
2: 0177
3: 0x007f
If neither -e
nor -f
is present (the former takes precedence), oak starts an interactive REPL. Exit with "bye" or type ctrl-D.
If the display or angular modes are set from the command line, these values override the options in .oak.yml
(see below) or in any stored machine image loaded with -i
Demo mode ignores all command-line options except -f
(which must be set) as well as any local configuration in .oak.yml
The REPL stores up to 50 lines of command history in $HOME/.oakhist
which is available to your next session (through the normal operations at the prompt, e.g., up-arrow).
If the autosave option is set in a configuration file (see below), and oak is running interactively, the current state will be saved in the file $HOME/.oakimg
on exit, and read when oak starts up again.
The machine will read the file $HOME/.oak.yml
if it is present. The file may have both options and commands. For example,
trig_mode: "rad"
display_mode: fix
digits: 3
- status
then the REPL will display the new status before the first input line:
$ oak
base: 10 mode: rad display: fix/3
The possible options are
trig_mode "deg" or "rad"
display_mode "free", "fix", "sci", "eng"
base 10, 2, 8, 16
digits 2, 0+
autosave "true" or "false"
where the first value is the default in each case.
The list of commands is joined with "," and processed as a unit. Thus
- 1 2
- 3+
- sqr
is equivalent to 1 2, 3+, sqr
Note that the commands in the .oak.yml
file do not leave result variables or a "last x" value when the machine starts. There will be no output unless an error occurs, in which case the machine will print the error and quit.
Also, certain command-line options override the options set in the configuration file (see above).
Here are a few possible enhancements:
- vector operations
- string functions (really?)
- logic & iteration in user-defined words
- interest-rate calculations, similar to the HP 12c
- add support for complex numbers and their functions (e.g, tanh)
- oh, and we need a circular slide rule mode of operation, too ;-)
There are no known issues.
Code coverage is hovering around 72% (still need better coverage of error paths).