Phaser Health Meter is a Phaser plugin that lets you easily insert health meters for your sprites. Meters can be attached to any sprite and update dynamically based on the sprite's health component.
Copy healthMeter.js into your project's plugin directory. Load the script after you load phaser.js.
In your state (or in your game if you aren't using states) have Phaser load the plugin. Then set up the plugin type you want to display along with setup parameters. More details on the available options are below.
Don't forget to set your player's starting health and maxHealth.
create: function() {
... = 50;
this.player.maxHealth = 100;
this.playerHealthMeter =;
{x: 20, y: 100, width: 100, height: 20}
There are currently three types of health meters: text, bar, and icon.
The text health meter shows the player's health and max health in plain text.
Available options:
x: set the left x coordinate of the health meter
y: set the top y coordinate of the health meter
font: pass in options for the font and color of the text
The bar health meter shows the player's health as a two layer bar, with the max health displayed behind the current health. Think Mortal Kombat.
Available options:
x: set the left x coordinate of the health meter
y: set the top y coordinate of the health meter
width: the max width of the health meter (thus the width of the maxHealth meter)
height: the height of the meter
foreground: set the foreground color
background: set the background (max health) color
alpha: change the alpha for the background bar
The icon health meter shows the player's health as a series of icons. Think Zelda hearts. You can set the icon and configure the number if rows used. This works especially well for simple RPG games where the max health stays relatively low. It does not currently support partial hearts.
When using this mode, your sprite's maxHealth should be set at the max it will ever be during this game or stage. If you change its maxHealth parameter mid-game you must reinitialize the health meter.
Available options:
x: set the left x coordinate of the health meter
y: set the top y coordinate of the health meter
width: the width of a single icon
height: the height of a single icon
rows: the number of rows in which the icon will be displayed
icon: the Phaser name of the image you want to use as your icon (this should be setup in your preloader)
Icons are displayed from the top left to the bottom right. They are removed from the bottom right to the top left. The max health should be divisible by the number of rows.