Code for our paper "Fair k-Center Clustering for Data Summarization" (
To try it out and reproduce the boxplots (based on 10 runs) of the experiments of Figures 4 to 6 on artificial data, simply run
If you want to obtain the boxplots based on 50 runs, say, then run
python 50
Similarly, in order to reproduce the boxplots of the experiments of Figures 5 and 6 on the Adult data set, run
python 50
If you want to compare our algorithm to the algorithm for the matroid center problem by Chen et al. (, you need to have SageMath ( installed on your system. Then simply run
sage -python 50
The code has been tested with the following software versions:
- Python 2.7.10
- Numpy 1.16.2
- Scipy 1.1.0
- Scikit-learn 0.19.1
- Pandas 0.23.0
- SageMath 8.2