On the home dir.
$ git clone https://github.com/maurogeorge/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
Install rcm
$ brew bundle .dotfiles/Brewfile
Install the dotfiles
$ rcup -d .dotfiles -x Brewfile -x README.md -x Monaco-Powerline.otf
This will create symlinks for config files in your home directory. The
options, which exclude the Brewfile
and Monaco-Powerline.otf
files, are
needed during installation but can be skipped once the .rcrc
configuration file is symlinked in.
Make all changes on the .dotfiles
dir and commit as usual.
Update the dotfiles with:
$ rcup
Uses with $ rcup -v
to a more verbose output.
Open "Monaco-Powerline.otf" and click "Install font" to install Powerline's font which supports fancy characters.
$ open Monaco-Powerline.otf