The following README provides steps on how to run the code locally. The application is deployed at:
Make sure to have the following installed on your machine:
- Node > 8.9 (!important)
cd client; npm i; npm start
Make sure to have the following installed on your machine:
- mongoDB (make sure to have mongod running locally when running the code on a local machine)
- Node > 8.9 (!important)
- Install dependencies. From root directory run:
npm run install:dependencies
- Create .env file in server folder.
- Copy the following lines to .env file.
- (Optional) Add the following to .env file if you want to run MongoDB with cloud provider (e.g. Mlab):
PROD_DB={{the URI provided by mongoDB could providers, e.g. Mlab}}
- Run the application by starting the client and server separately:
cd server; npm start
cd client; npm start
This will create the database locally. By running the server with the command:
npm run start:cloud
MEAN Stack with TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Angular 6+
- Express
- Node > 8.9
- TypeScript
- JavaScript