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20191016 Dev Meeting

Hamish Willee edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 6 revisions




Call 1

  • DONE Should recipient drop packets with a source system or component id = 0. This is invalid id as a source, and might have unexpected effects.

    • QGC was sending 0 component source id for some camera-related calls. This is fixed but obviously not accepting/dropping packets means not supporting older QGC in this respect.
    • Docs updated to state value of 0 must not be used.
    • In future, dropping such packets recommended in order to make issue clear during testing.
    • Action: HamishW to make above clear (Done - decided warning against strong enough).
  • #1247 VFR_HUD / ATTITUDE_QUATERNION extension for correct display of attitude with tailsitters

    • Concern why need rates in a VFR_HUD message. Want to ask what is purpose
    • If rates not needed and this really is for HUD then probably use VFR_HUD. If rates are needed propose new message VFR_HUD_2 with all the fields.
    • Action: HamishW ask for clarification.
  • #1228 common.xml: add AIS message

    • Action: JamesP still hoping to do due diligence and confirm these are sane.
  • #929 No way to transmit airspeed reference

    • JamesP: ArduPilot investigated. ArduPilot DO use NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT. We will discuss options again when he is fully present in 2 weeks.
  • Microservices proposal.

    • Discussed improvements in terms of handshaking and getting all supported versions.
    • Hamish had comments but plans to accept most of them.
    • Action: HamishW to iterate
  • #1206 ArduPilot downstream changes

    • This had problematic downstream changes. JamesP agreed to follow up.
  • #1234 Add messages for power regulation and temperature status reporting

    • JulianOes to review in coming weeks. James to test if has any constraints in terms of implementation.
  • DONE #1248 Pl clarify targets in stream/request messages

    • Dev team sees as edge case given that most messages are broadcast, so you have to broadcast, and generally for the other cases the intent is obvious.
    • Also that that setting to a direct target for high rate streaming not particularly helpful because the messages are still sent/received on all systems. Also setting the interval only applies to current channel.
    • But acknowledge there are potential cases where user might choose to set this. So lets do so.
    • Action: HamishW to create PR

Did not discuss:


See above!


HamishW, JamesP, JulianOes, Jonas

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