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20200624 Dev Meeting

Hamish Willee edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 7 revisions




  • Julian - Gimbal Update
    • Still some issues with specific deconfliction cases. Decided to put intent in place rather than priorities. This puts some onus on Gimbal to provide interface to set priorities of intent.
  • Hamish Command: Clarify progress reporting - "How to handle missed ACK"
    • Agreed timeout. Not quite as "robust" as being able to re-request status, but has been used in existing cases and is much less work for end users.
  • Component information - Julian to ask Don to put back the basic version info. It is useful for normal users.
  • Hamish Separate repository for XML files #934 -
    • AI to create issue on ardupilot Pymavlink asking Amlicar if we can move it into mavlink/mavlink to make it easier for a generator to import.
  • Hamish MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME: xtrack, improve definition #1402 - can we make MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT consistent?
    • AI Hamish to contact Michael Oborne and Michael DuBr to find out if they can manage this impact.
  • Hamish MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_TERRAIN - to mean "supports frame type"?
    • Lets not change the meaning.
    • Suggest use the frame support for this. Only applies on boot.
    • Or we add mechanism to notify of change.
    • AI Hamish to raise with Don.
  • Hamish [Message range for private networks]
    • Decided not a problem that needs resolving.
    • AI Hamish to close issue with note


Attendees: HamishW, JulianO, JamesP, RicardoM,

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