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20200930 Dev Meeting

Hamish Willee edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 5 revisions




  • Problems with Zoom ID. Set up private meeting to handle. AI Hamish to chase up with Ramon
  • MAVlink Governance Policy (discussion doc)
    • "Unofficial" discussion of some high level concerns of the participants.
    • Concern of reduced collaboration - "silo" development in dialects delivered as fait accompli.
    • Benefit that people working on first implementation in dialect can focus on the use cases that matter to real world case.
    • Having new functions kept in separate protocols might make it easier for them to share etc.
  • Command to allow geofence action to be set per-fence - FENCE_ACTION - FYI maybe push back to ArduPilot and define GEOFENCE_ACTION. Do we need thrust control on return.
  • common: minor cleanup regarding scaled param5/param6 #1446 - is there a compromise?


Not discussed:

  • File-based protocols for params, missions, etc - Next steps Lorenz?

Attendees: ? HamishW, JamesP, JulianO, ClaudioM, Michael Oborne, Philip Rowse, JonasV.

  • Apologies LorenzM
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