Generates a full GraphQL API using introspection of Mongoid or ActiveRecord models.
The API Documentation that displays how to use the queries and mutations that Graphoid automatically generates.
This gem depends on the GraphQL gem. Please install that gem first before continuing
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'graphoid'
$ bundle install
Create the file config/initializers/graphoid.rb
And configure the database you want to use in it (:mongoid or :active_record)
Graphoid.configure do |config|
config.driver = :mongoid
You can determine which models will be visible in the API by including the Graphoid Queries and Mutations concerns
class Person
include Graphoid::Queries
include Graphoid::Mutations
You can find an example that uses ActiveRecord in the Tester AR folder
And an example with Mongoid in the Tester Mongo folder
In this same repository.
- Live Reload
- Aggregations
- Permissions on fields
- Relation with aliases tests
- Write division for "every" in Mongoid and AR
- Sort top level models by association values
- Filter by Array or Hash.
- has_one_through implementation
- has_many_selves tests
- has_and_belongs_to_many_selves tests
- Embedded::Many filtering implementation
- Embedded::One filtering with OR/AND
$ DRIVER=ar DEBUG=true bundle exec rspec
$ DRIVER=mongo DEBUG=true bundle exec rspec
Ryan Yeske for the whole idea and for validating that metaprogramming this was possible.
Andres Rafael for working so hard on connecting the gem on the frontend and finding its failures.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.