Hi I'm Max! (https://maxmanayan.netlify.app/)
🌲 ecoECHO (https://ecoecho.herokuapp.com/)
- An online forum focused on discussing humanity's impact on our environment 🌎
- Built with - MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, React.js, GraphQL and Apollo
☕ Coffee Notes (https://coffeeandnotes.herokuapp.com/)
- Your very own personalized study dashboard!
- Includes a todo-list, kanban board, livestream music, motivational quotes, and flashcards!
- Built with - PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, and React.js
💯 DevPoint Labs Hackathon Grader (https://dpl-hackathon-grader.herokuapp.com/)
- A streamlined hackathon grading app built exclusively for the staff of DevPoint Labs!
- Built with - PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, and React.js
- The Complete JavaScript Course 2021 by Jonas Schmedtmann (https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-javascript-course/)
- Coding Challenges:
- Data Structures & Algorithms: