TLS Server Implementation using Go
go run cmd/tls/main.go --help
go run cmd/tls/main.go create help
Note: The CA and server certificate configuration is read from tls.yaml
# Generate CA certificate
go run cmd/tls/main.go create ca
# Generate Server certificate
go run cmd/tls/main.go create cert --ca-cert="ca.crt" --ca-key="ca.key" --name=""
# Run the testing server
go run cmd/test-server/main.go
# Test using cURL
curl --cacert ca.crt
# Generate Client certificate
# Make sure the name used below is changed in tls.yaml (in name (under certs) and commonName)
go run cmd/tls/main.go create cert --ca-cert="ca.crt" --ca-key="ca.key" --name="" --cert-out="client.crt" --key-out="client.key"
# Run mTLS Server
go run cmd/mtls-server/main.go
# Testing
curl --cacert ca.crt --key client.key --cert client.crt
# Run mTLS Client
go run cmd/mtls-client/main.go