Welcome to my Machine Learning Study Repository! This repository serves as a collection of my learnings, projects, and resources related to machine learning. Here, I document my progress, share code implementations, and provide valuable insights gained during my study journey.
Project 1: Rock Vs Mine Prdiction: A regression project aimed at predicting difference between Rock and Mine. This project aims to classify between as Rock and Mine using Logistic Regression.
Project 2: Diabetes Prediction: A regression project aims to classify individuals as diabetic or non-diabetic using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The trained model can aid in the early detection and prevention of diabetes for improved healthcare outcomes.
Project 3: Gold Price Prediction: A project using Random Forest Regressor to predict gold prices with remarkable accuracy! 💰📈
Project 4: Loan Status Prediction: A project using Support Vector Machine(SVM) to predict status of loan! 💰
Project 5: Wine Quality Prediction: A project using Random Forest Classifier to predict quality of wine! 🍷
Project 6: Heart Disease Prediction