There are two applications which are a part of this repository, and run together in AWS.
- CommuterRailBoarding: uploads the Commuter Rail boarding status information to an Enhanced TripUpdates JSON file.
- TrainLoc: uploads the train locations to an Enhanced VehiclePositions JSON file. It also tracks conflicts where multiple vehicles are logged into the same trip.
$ mix deps.get
$ export V3_API_KEY=[key from]
$ mix test # V3_API_KEY is required to avoid rate limits
$ export GCS_CREDENTIAL_JSON=[JSON data for Firebase token]
$ export CRB_FIREBASE_URL=[path to departureData Firebase feed]
$ export TRAIN_LOC_FIREBASE_URL=[path to AVLData_from_VehicleLocation Firebase feed]
$ mix run --no-halt
See for more information on how CommuterRailBoarding and TrainLoc work internally.