plume requires Python 3.
Apart from Python, plume has a number of other requirements, all of which can be obtained through either pip or conda, that will be automatically installed when you install plume.
To see a full listing of the requirements, have a look at the project's requirements.txt file.
If you are a developer of plume you will also want to install additional dependencies for running plume's tests to make sure that things are working as they should. These dependencies are listed in requirements-testing.txt.
To install plume, first create a new environment in which plume will be installed. This, although not necessary, will isolate the installation so that there won't be conflicts with your base Python installation. This can be done with conda as:
$ conda create -n plume python=3
$ conda activate plume
plume, and its dependencies, can be installed either with pip or conda. Using pip:
$ pip install plume
Using conda:
$ conda install plume -c conda-forge
Before building plume from source, you will need an installation of the GNU Scientific Library (gsl). There are several ways to install this but the easiest is through conda,
$ mamba install gsl
After downloading the plume source code, run the following from plume's top-level folder (the one that contains to install plume into the current environment:
$ pip install -e .
The main plume input file is a yaml-formatted text file that lists constants used by plume. Running the following will print a sample plume configuration file:
$ plume generate plume.toml
This will print something like the following,
_version = "0.2.0.dev0"
shape = [500, 500]
xy_spacing = [100.0, 100.0]
xy_of_lower_left = [0.0, 0.0]
filepath = "river.csv"
width = 50.0
depth = 5.0
velocity = 1.5
location = [0.0, 25000.0]
angle = 0.0
removal_rate = 60.0
bulk_density = 1600.0
filepath = "ocean.csv"
along_shore_velocity = 0.1
sediment_concentration = 0.0
filepath = ""
The plume ocean file defines parameters of the ocean for each day of the simulation. This is a csv-formatted text file to day, along-shore velocity, and sediment concentration.
$ plume generate ocean.csv
# version: 0.2.0.dev0 # Time [d], Along-shore velocity [m/s], Sediment Concentration [-] 0.0,0.1,0.0
The plume river file is a csv-formatted text file that gives river parameters for each day of the simulation. Columns are time, river width, river depth, and river velocity.
$ plume generate river.csv
# version: 0.2.0.dev0 # Time [d], Width [m], Depth [m], Velocity [m/s] 0.0,50.0,5.0,1.5
The plume river file defines
The only output file of plume is a netCDF file that contains sediment concentrations for each day of the simulation.
To run a simulation using the sample input files described above, you first need to create a set of sample files:
$ mkdir example
$ plume --cd=example setup
You can now run the simulation:
$ plume --cd=example run