- Intro
- Installation
- Add complements
- Default configuration
- Integration with Windows Terminal
- Donate
multiplataforma (Windows, Linux and MacOS) multiterminal and
multilanguage code executor for vim. Run code, compile, maximize windows,
rename windows, zoom, resize windows/terminals, run commands and more with just
1 click!
tmux, code run, debugger and more all in one place with native VimScript!
Languages compatibility:
Simply install the plugin with your preferred plugin handler
and the arguments for the following variables in your vimrc
" install executor with Plug
Plug 'mctechnology17/vim-executor'
" refresh the sources or close vim and go back in and run the command
" set your config, hier a example(I recom to use the defauld):
set wildmode=list:longest,list:full
set wildmenu
set wildignore+=*.o,*.obj,.git,*.rbc,*.pyc,__pycache__
set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.pyc,*.db,*.sqlite,*.DS_Store
" if you use zsh
if executable( 'zsh' ) | set shell=zsh | endif
let g:executor_compiler_run_code = 0
" 0 = deactivate 1 = <ESC> 2 = <ESC><ESC>
let g:executor_esc = 2
" 1 = <S-ARROWS> 2 = <LEADER><ARROWS> 3 = <C-HJKL>
let g:executor_jump = 1
" open a vertical terminal
nnoremap <Leader>v :ExecutorTerminalVert<CR>
" pen a terminal with size proportional to the vscode terminal
nnoremap <Leader>x :ExecutorTerminalVSC<CR>
" open a horizontal terminal
nnoremap <Leader>X :ExecutorTerminal<CR>
" toggle to resize windows
nnoremap ++ :ExecutorResizeWindows<CR>
" kill all buffers and keep the current buffer
nnoremap <Leader>k :ExecutorKillAllBuffers<CR>
" call debugger
nnoremap <silent> <TAB>+ :ExecutorDebugger<CR>
" on/off argument input
nnoremap <Leader>- :ExecutorToggleArgs<CR>
" run the code like run code for VS Code
nnoremap <Leader>p :ExecutorRun<CR>
" compile the code
nnoremap <Leader>+ :ExecutorCompiler<CR>
" clean object files: main.o, main.exe, pdf, __pycache__ etc
nnoremap <Leader>c :ExecutorClean<CR>
" zoom in the current window/buffer
nnoremap <Leader>m :ExecutorZoom<CR>
" call a menu
noremap -x :ExecutorMenu<CR>
" execute a command in the current directory (e.g. make test...)
noremap -c :ExecutorCommand<CR>
" debugger mapping: 0.UNMAP 1.gdb(soon) 2.lldb(soon) 3.pdb 4.vimspector
noremap -d :ExecutorToggleDebuggerMapping<CR>
If you are not using any plug manager, you can integrate GitManager to vim in the following way, keeping in mind that the repository is in your home
set rtp+=~/vim-executor
Using Vundle:
Just add this line to your ~/.vimrc
Plugin 'mctechnology17/vim-executor'
And run :PluginInstall
inside Vim.
Using pathogen.vim:
Copy and paste in your shell:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/mctechnology17/vim-executor
Using vpm:
Run this command in your shell:
vpm insert mctechnology17/vim-executor
Using Plug:
Just add this line to your ~/.vimrc
inside plug call:
Plug 'mctechnology17/vim-executor'
And run :PlugInstall
inside Vim or vim +PlugInstall +qa
from shell.
You can use all executor functions without dependencies, but if you want latex preview, markdown, html, css and javascript you need to install these additional plugins!
" make sure you have pdflatex installed (soon pandoc support)
Plug 'xuhdev/vim-latex-live-preview', { 'for': 'tex' }
" make sure you have yarn installed
Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': 'cd app && yarn install' }
" for html,css,javascript
Plug 'turbio/bracey.vim', {'do': 'npm install --prefix server'}
Please feel free to change what suits you best!
" 1 = <ESC> 2 = <ESC><ESC> time to exit the terminal and enter normal mode
let g:executor_esc =
\ get(g:, 'executor_esc', 2)
" 1 = <S-ARROWS> 2 = <LEADER><ARROWS> 3 = <C-HJKL>
let g:executor_jump =
\ get(g:, 'executor_jump', 1)
" default mapping for various useful functions
" map: cd -> change directory
" map: fi -> file identifier
" map: fl -> file list
" map: fs -> find string in all files in current directory
" map: fm -> file maximization
" map: fw -> file write
" map: fo -> file open from current directory
" map: fr -> file rename(curre buffer) like tmux
let g:executor_file_mapping =
\ get(g:, 'executor_file_mapping', 1)
" activate and deactivate the WinBar. ONLY FOR VIM
let g:executor_winbar =
\ get(g:, 'executor_winbar', 1)
let g:executor_debugger_define =
\ get(g:, 'executor_debugger_define', 0)
let g:executor_debugger_flags_c =
\ get(g:, 'executor_debugger_flags_c', '')
let g:executor_debugger_flags_cpp =
\ get(g:, 'executor_debugger_flags_cpp', '')
let g:executor_debugger_flags_python =
\ get(g:, 'executor_debugger_flags_python', '-m')
let g:executor_debugger_flags_latex =
\ get(g:, 'executor_debugger_flags_latex', '')
let g:executor_debugger_flags_r =
\ get(g:, 'executor_debugger_flags_r', '')
let g:executor_debugger_flags_sh =
\ get(g:, 'executor_debugger_flags_sh', '')
" always ask if you want to define the debugger
let g:executor_compiler_run_code =
\ get(g:, 'executor_compiler_run_code', 0)
let g:executor_compiler_flags_c =
\ get(g:, 'executor_compiler_flags_c',
\ '-g -v -m64 -Wall -Werror -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -O3 -pedantic')
let g:executor_compiler_flags_cpp =
\ get(g:, 'executor_compiler_flags_cpp',
\ '-g -v -m64 -Wall -Werror -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -O3 -pedantic')
let g:executor_compiler_flags_python =
\ get(g:, 'executor_compiler_flags_python', '')
let g:executor_compiler_flags_latex =
\ get(g:, 'executor_compiler_flags_latex', '')
let g:executor_compiler_flags_r =
\ get(g:, 'executor_compiler_flags_r', '--verbose')
let g:executor_compiler_flags_sh =
\ get(g:, 'executor_compiler_flags_sh', '')
" always ask if you want to define the arguments
let g:executor_input_args =
\ get(g:, 'executor_input_args', 0)
let g:executor_program_args_c =
\ get(g:, 'executor_program_args_c', '')
let g:executor_program_args_cpp =
\ get(g:, 'executor_program_args_cpp', '')
let g:executor_program_args_python =
\ get(g:, 'executor_program_args_python', '')
let g:executor_program_args_latex =
\ get(g:, 'executor_program_args_latex', '')
let g:executor_program_args_r =
\ get(g:, 'executor_program_args_r', '')
let g:executor_program_args_sh =
\ get(g:, 'executor_program_args_sh', '')
" open a vertical terminal
ExecutorTerminalVert call executor#OpenTerminalVert()
" open a horizontal terminal
ExecutorTerminal call executor#OpenTerminal()
" open a terminal with size proportional to the vscode terminal
ExecutorTerminalVSC call executor#OpenTerminalVSC()
" toggle to resize windows
ExecutorToggleResizeWindows call executor#ToggleResizeWindows()
" call debugger
ExecutorDebugger call executor#Debugger()
" define the debugger
ExecutorToggleDefineDebugger call executor#ToggleDebuggerDefine()
" debugger mapping: 0.UNMAP 1.gdb 2.lldb 3.pdb 4.vimspector
ExecutorToggleDebuggerMapping call executor#ToggleDebuggerMapping()
" Mappgin for pdb option 3
" map: <TAB>u sticky<CR>
" map: <TAB>d run<Space>
" map: <TAB>r restart<Space>
" map: <TAB>q quit<CR>
" map: <TAB>n next<CR>
" map: <TAB>h help<CR>
" map: <TAB>w where<CR>
" map: <TAB>c continue<CR>
" map: <TAB>s step<CR>
" map: <TAB><UP> up<CR>
" map: <TAB><DOWN> down<CR>
" map: <TAB><RIGHT> next<CR>
" map: <TAB><LEFT> reteval<CR>
" map: <TAB>b break<Space>
" map: <TAB>db clear<CR>
" map: <TAB>v jump<CR>
" map: <TAB>e p<Space>
" Mappgin for vimspector option 4
" map: <TAB>d :call vimspector#Launch()<CR>
" map: <TAB>r :call vimspector#Restart()<CR>
" map: <TAB>q :call vimspector#Reset()<CR>
" map: <TAB>n :call vimspector#Continue()<CR>
" map: <TAB><UP> :call vimspector#StepOut()<CR>
" map: <TAB><DOWN> :call vimspector#StepInto()<CR>
" map: <TAB><RIGHT> :call vimspector#StepOver()<CR>
" map: <TAB><LEFT> :call vimspector#AddWatch( expand( '<cexpr>' ) )<CR>
" map: <TAB>dw :call vimspector#DeleteWatch()<CR>
" map: <TAB>b :call vimspector#ToggleBreakpoint()<CR>
" map: <TAB>db :call vimspector#ClearBreakpoints()<CR>
" map: <TAB>v :call vimspector#RunToCursor()<CR>
" map: <TAB>e :<c-u>call vimspector#Evaluate( expand( '<cexpr>' ) )<CR>
" install the debugger pdbpp with pip for python
ExecutorInstallPDBPP call executor#InstallPDBPP()
" uninstall the debugger pdbpp
ExecutorUninstallPDBPP call executor#UninstallPDBPP()
" install the debugger pdbpp with conda for python
ExecutorInstallPDBPPConda call executor#InstallPDBPPConda()
" uninstall the debugger pdbpp
ExecutorUninstallPDBPPConda call executor#UninstallPDBPPConda()
" run the code
ExecutorRun call executor#Run()
" clean object files: main.o, main.exe, pdf, __pycache__ etc
ExecutorClean call executor#Clean()
" compile the code
ExecutorCompiler call executor#Compiler()
" zoom in the current window/buffer
ExecutorZoom call executor#Zoom(v:true)
" on/off argument input
ExecutorToggleArgs call executor#ToggleArgs()
" call a menu
ExecutorMenu call executor#Menu()
" call the WinBar
ExecutorWinBar call executor#WinBar()
" source a local config in your current directory
ExecutorConfig call executor#Config()
" execute a command in the current directory (e.g. make test...)
ExecutorCommand call executor#Command()
" kill all buffers and keep the current buffer
ExecutorKillAllBuffers silent! execute "%bd|e#|bd#"
" Winbar defaults. if you want to customize the winbar you can leave the
" corresponding variable for activation at 0, or simply add more options of
" your interest
nnoremenu WinBar.Menu :call executor#Menu()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.Run :call executor#Run()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.Comp :call executor#Compiler()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.Deb :call executor#Debugger()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.DefD :call executor#ToggleDebuggerDefine()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.Args :call executor#ToggleArgs()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.CMD:call executor#Command()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.Clean :call executor#Clean()<CR>
nnoremenu WinBar.Close :aunmenu WinBar<CR>
If you've always wanted some sort of tmux in Windows, this is your chance. You not only have an interactive area with PowerShell, CMD or Windows Terminal, but also with Linux environments like Kali, Ubuntu etc. Here I will show you a configuration how to call multiple terminals in Windows Terminal Preview.
" Variable to detect if the operating system is windows
let s:is_win = has('win32unix')||has('win32')||has('win64')||has("win16")||has("win95")
function! ExecutorTerminalVert()
if s:is_win
set shell=C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\kali.exe
exe "ExecutorTerminalVert"
function! ExecutorTerminal()
if s:is_win
set shell=C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\ubuntu2004.exe
exe "ExecutorTerminal"
function! ExecutorTerminalVSC()
if s:is_win
set shell=cmd.exe
exe "ExecutorTerminalVSC"
Of course you can create more functions to have more options at convenience. Here is an example of a correct declaration of PowerShell and CMD.
set shell=C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe
set shell=C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\cmd.exe
Remember to install Kali, Ubuntu, ... etc. operating systems before. Read the Microsoft documentation for the correct installation on WSL2.
If you're enjoy my work, feel free to donate or become a sponsor.
Ambassador and creator/maintainer of vimtools, GitManager and more, that are easy to integrate, but very powerful work tools that allow you to improve your workflow, integrating with all operating systems and all possible shells.
Here you can see another recently published project:
- vimtools swiss army knife for vim (functions and settings that will make it easy for you life)
- gm manager for GIT multi platform with a friendly user interface
- vim-better-header better automated template
- vim-executor multilanguage code executor.
Released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Copyright (c) 2022 Marcos Chow Castro