Inexpensive SLAM mapping robot
Install ROS and all packages in khan_robot
in a terminal ssh ubuntu@<beaglebone_ip>
password: temppwd
find the ip of your computer using ifconfig
and add the following line to you ~/.bashrc
, with the ip you found
export ROS_IP=<your_computer_ip>
in ssh session with beaglebone: export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<your_computer_ip>:11311
start roscore
on your computer
This will launch the nodes that control the motors and read odometry info from the encoders
** must be in a sudo shell to run files **
- type
sudo -s
to get a sudo shell cd mapBot
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch general_khan general_khan.launch
This will launch controllers for the robot
cd mapBot
roslaunch khan_robot example_khan_hw.launch
the rover can be controlled by a twist
msg on the topic /cmd_vel
, the khan_robot package has various ways of publishing the message, including rosjoy
, rqt_robot_steering
, or command line publishing