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COT5615 Math for Intelligent Systems Fall 2019

Mathematics for Intelligent Systems

Unit 1: Introduction

Motivating examples. Using Julia, Jupyter, Markdown and basic latex formulas. No prior reading is needed. Intro to Julia

Unit 2: Vectors

From [VMLS]: 1.1 Vectors, 1.2 Vector addition, 1.3 Scalar-vector Multiplication, 1.4 Inner Product, 1.5 Complexity of vector computations, 2.1 Linear Functions, 2.2 Taylor approximation, C.1.2 Scalar-valued function of a vector, C.1.3 Vector-valued function of a vector.
From [3B1B]:
Vectors, what even are they? | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 1

Unit 3: Using Vectors

From [VMLS]: 3.1 Norm, 3.2 Distance, 3.3 Standard deviation, 3.4 Angle, 4.1 Clustering, 4.2 A clustering objective, 4.3 The k-means Algorithm.
From [3B1B]:
But what is a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter 1

Gradient descent, how neural networks learn | Deep learning, chapter 2

What is backpropagation really doing? | Deep learning, chapter 3

Backpropagation calculus | Deep learning, chapter 4

Unit 4: Using Matrices

From [VMLS]: 5.1 Linear dependence, 5.2 Basis, 5.3 Orthonormal Vectors, 5.4 Gram-Schmidt Algorithm, 6.1 Matrices, 6.2 Zero and identity Matrices, 6.3 Transpose, addition and Norm, 6.4 Matrix-vector Multiplication. 7.1 Geometric transformations, 7.2 Selectors, 8.1 Linear and affine Functions, 8.2 Linear function models, 8.3 Systems of linear equations, 10.1 Matrix-matrix Multiplication, 10.2 Composition of linear Functions, 10.3 Matrix power. 10.4 QR factorization. From [3B1B]:

Linear combinations, span, and basis vectors | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 2

Linear transformations and matrices | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 3

Matrix multiplication as composition | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 4

Three-dimensional linear transformations | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 5

The determinant | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 6

Unit 5: Matrices and Vector Spaces

From [VMLS]: 11.1 Left and right inverses, 11.2 inverse, 11.3 Solving linear equations, 11.5 Pseudo-inverse.

Inverse matrices, column space and null space | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 7

Nonsquare matrices as transformations between dimensions | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 8

Least squares approximation | Linear Algebra | Khan Academy

Abstract vector spaces | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 15

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S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra -- Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares