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LEGACY medic-api

Node server to support medic-webapp.

Currently supports auditing by proxying requests to CouchDB and updating the audit history where required.

Legacy Note

For 2.15 and greater versions of medic-webapp we have merged medic-api and medic-sentinel repositories directly into the main repo.

This repo exists only to service 2.14.x builds and below, and will eventually be archived.

Table of contents



Get node deps with npm install.


Export a COUCH_URL env variable so sentinel knows what database to use. e.g.

export COUCH_URL='http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/medic'

If you are using CouchDB2.0 you need to also provide your node name. e.g.

export COUCH_NODE_NAME=couchdb@localhost node server.js

If you're using couchdb-lucene in any configuration other than the standard (on the same server as CouchDb on port 5985) you can specify it with the LUCENE_URL env variable:

export LUCENE_URL='http://somewherelse'


grunt deploy


grunt test

Build Status

Builds brought to you courtesy of Travis CI.

Build Status


Migrations are scripts located in the /migrations directory, and are automatically by medic-api run before the webserver starts up.

Typically, migrations are used to run a specific edit on all docs in the database (e.g. add a field to all docs of type X), but you can do whatever you like in a migration.

Migrations are only run once, and are run in the order they were created, based on their created date. Only one migration is run at a time.

Migrations that error will cause medic-api to stop on an error, and will be attempted again the next time you start medic-api.

Migration script api

Your migration script should have an export that looks like this:

module.exports = {
  name: 'your-unique-migration-name',
  created: new Date(2016, 10, 20),
  run: function(callback) {
    // If your migrations errors
    return callback(err);
    // Or upon success
    return callback();

Place your script in the /migrations folder and it will get picked up by medic-api at the next restart.

Implementation, re-running migrations by hand

See migrations.js.

Importantly, the record of which migrations have been run is stored in the migrations array of an arbitrarily named document in CouchDB with the .type of meta. Because of this it can be a hard document to find, but you can get it using curl, and pretty print it with jq:

curl 'http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/medic/_design/medic-client/_view/doc_by_type?key=\["meta"\]&include_docs=true' | jq .rows[].doc

So, if you want to re-run a migration, delete its entry in the migrations list and re-run api.

API Overview


Various properties throughout this API use a timestamp value, the following formats are supported:

  • ISO 8601 combined date and time with timezone of the format below where "Z" is offset from UTC like "-03", "+1245", or just "Z" which is UTC (0 offset);

  • Milliseconds since Unix Epoch

A compatible value can be generated using the toISOString or toValue method on a Javascript Date object.


  • 2011-10-10T14:48:00-0300
  • 2016-07-01T13:48:24+00:00
  • 2016-07-01T13:48:24Z
  • 1467383343484 (MS since Epoch)


Request different types of data in various formats.

GET /api/v1/export/forms/{formcode}

Download reports.

Query Parameters

Variable Description
format The format of the returned file, either 'csv' or 'xml'. Defaults to 'csv'.
locale Locale for translatable data. Defaults to 'en'.
tz The timezone to show date values in, as an offset in minutes from GMT, for example '-120'.
skip_header_row 'true' to omit the column headings. Defaults to 'false'.
columns An orderered array of columns to export, eg: ["reported_date","from",""]


Column Description
Record UUID The unique ID for the report in the database.
Patient ID The generated short patient ID for use in SMS.
Reported Date The date the report was received.
From The phone number the report was sent from.
Contact Name The name of the user this report is assigned to.
Form The form code for this report.

GET /api/v1/export/messages

Download messages.

Query Parameters

Variable Description
format The format of the returned file, either 'csv' or 'xml'. Defaults to 'csv'.
locale Locale for translatable data. Defaults to 'en'.
tz The timezone to show date values in, as an offset in minutes from GMT, for example '-120'.
skip_header_row 'true' to omit the column headings. Defaults to 'false'.
columns An orderered array of columns to export, eg: ["reported_date","from",""]
filter_state Used in conjunction with the parameters below to only return messages that were in a given state. Possible values are 'received', 'scheduled', 'pending', 'sent', 'cleared', or 'muted'.
filter_state_from The number of days from now to use as a lower bound on the date that the message is in the given state. Defaults to no lower bound. Ignored if filter_state is not provided.
filter_state_to The number of days from now to use as an upper bound on the date that the message is in the given state. Defaults to no upper bound. Ignored if filter_state is not provided.


Column Description
Record UUID The unique ID for the message in the database.
Patient ID The generated short patient ID for use in SMS.
Reported Date The date the message was received or generated.
From This phone number the message is or will be sent from.
Contact Name The name of the user this message is assigned to.
Message Type The type of the message
Message State The state of the message at the time this export was generated
Received Timestamp The datetime the message was received. Only applies to incoming messages.
Other Timestamps The datetime the message transitioned to each state.
Sent By The phone number the message was sent from. Only applies to incoming messages.
To Phone The phone number the message is or will be sent to. Only applies to outgoing messages.
Message Body The content of the message.


Return only rows that are scheduled to be sent in the next ten days.


GET /api/v1/export/audit

Export a file containing the audit log.

Query Parameters

Variable Description
format The format of the returned file, either 'csv' or 'xml'. Defaults to 'csv'.
locale Locale for translatable data. Defaults to 'en'.
tz The timezone to show date values in, as an offset in minutes from GMT, for example '-120'.
skip_header_row 'true' to omit the column headings. Defaults to 'false'.

GET /api/v1/export/feedback

Export a file containing the user feedback.

Query Parameters

Variable Description
format The format of the returned file, either 'csv' or 'xml'. Defaults to 'csv'.
locale Locale for translatable data. Defaults to 'en'.
tz The timezone to show date values in, as an offset in minutes from GMT, for example '-120'.
skip_header_row 'true' to omit the column headings. Defaults to 'false'.

GET /api/v1/export/contacts

Returns a JSON array of contacts.

Query Parameters (required)

Variable Description
format The desired format of the file. Only 'json' is supported.
query The query parameters in lucene query generator format.


Get all contacts

GET /api/v1/export/contacts?query={"$operands":[{"type":["person","clinic","health_center","district_hospital"]}]}&format=json
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



GET /api/v1/forms

Returns a list of currently installed forms (in all available formats) in JSON format.


Key Value Description
X-OpenRosa-Version 1.0 If this header is specified returns XML formatted forms list. See OpenRosa FormListAPI.


Get list of forms currently installed.

GET /api/v1/forms
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

["anc_visit.xml","anc_registration.xml","off.xml", "off.json"]

Get OpenRosa XForms compatible forms installed in XML format.

GET /api/v1/forms
Host: medic.local
X-OpenRosa-Version: 1.0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
X-OpenRosa-Version: 1.0

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xforms xmlns="">
    <name>Registration with LMP</name>

GET /api/v1/forms/{{id}}.{{format}}

Return form definition for a given form ID and format.


Variable Description
id Form identifier
format Format string or file extension. e.g. xml, json


Get latest version of the PregnancyRegistration form in xml (XForms) format.

GET /api/v1/forms/pregnancyregistration.xml

Get the latest version of the NPYY form in JSON format.

GET /api/v1/forms/NPYY.json


POST /api/v1/records

Create a new record based on a form. This requires a form definition exists on the server side matching the form code.

Records can be created one of two ways, parsing the form data yourself and submitting a JSON object or by submitting the raw message string.


Key Value Description
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded Processes form parameters.
Content-Type application/json Processes form data in request body as JSON.

Only one variant of the Content-Type header may be provided; RFC 2616 does not allow multiple content types to appear in a single Content-Type header.

Form Parameters

Variable Description
message Message string in a supported format like Muvuku or Textforms. Depending if your Medic Mobile instance is configured in forms-only mode or not you might recieve an error if the form is not found.
from Reporting phone number.
reported_date Timestamp in MS since Unix Epoch of when the message was received on the gateway. Defaults to now.
locale Optional locale string.

JSON Properties

Special values reside in the property _meta, so you can't have a form field named _meta. Only strings and numbers are currently support as field values.

All property names will be lowercased and any properties beginning with _ (underscore) will be ignored.

Key Description
_meta.form The form code.
_meta.from Reporting phone number.
_meta.reported_date Timestamp in MS since Unix Epoch of when the message was received on the gateway. Defaults to now.
_meta.locale Optional locale string. Example: 'fr'


Creating new record using message field.

POST /api/v1/records
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "success": true,
  "id": "364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733"

Creating new record with JSON.

POST /api/v1/records
Content-Type: application/json

  "nurse": "Sam",
  "week": 23,
  "year": 2015,
  "visit": "ANC",
  "_meta": {
    "form": "YYYZ",
    "reported_date": 1352399720000
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "success": true,
  "id": "364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733"


If required fields are not found return 500.

If invalid JSON return error response 500.

If submitting JSON and correspending form is not found on the server you will receive an error.


GET /api/v1/messages

Returns list of messages, oldest first based on timestamp or due date.

Query Parameters

Variable Description
state Returns only messages that match a given state value. e.g. state=pending
states Array. Returns only messages with state matching one of the states in the array.
start (todo) Returns list of messages, limited to 25 starting at id (uuid).
descending Returns latest messages first.
limit Modifies number of returned messages to specified value, max is 1000.


Get oldest pending messages.

GET /api/v1/messages?state=pending
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "message": "Thank you for registering Prudence. Their pregnancy ID is 88500, and EDD is Sun, Nov 8th, 2015",
    "to": "+2840915732",
    "id": "4fbc1cb6-1408-4954-b08b-2da33630ae5c",
    "state": "pending",
    "state_history": [
        "state": "pending",
        "timestamp": "2015-04-23T02:24:57.207Z"
    "message": "Thank you Janet, visit for Prudence (88500) has been recorded.",
    "to": "+2840915732",
    "id": "ef8dbed5-335e-4cdd-bdbe-885a4fd93d11",
    "state": "pending",
    "state_history": [
        "state": "pending",
        "timestamp": "2015-04-23T02:25:04.205Z"

Get latest sent messages.

GET /api/v1/messages?state=sent&descending
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "message": "[Sample message] Yep, we're all set for Monday afternoon.",
    "to": "+2840915732",
    "id": "c8ca60c6c19d4e253f5d107ac800bdd4",
    "state": "sent",
    "state_history": [
        "state": "pending",
        "timestamp": "2015-04-08T20:09:00.000Z"
        "state": "sent",
        "timestamp": "2015-04-08T20:10:00.000Z"
    "message": "[Sample message] Of course, I will send some with Charles tomorrow. Let me know when you get it.",
    "to": "+2896503099",
    "id": "c8ca60c6c19d4e253f5d107ac801594e",
    "state": "sent",
    "state_history": [
        "state": "pending",
        "timestamp": "2015-03-08T13:09:00.000Z"
        "state": "sent",
        "timestamp": "2015-03-08T13:10:00.000Z"

Get pending and sent messages.

GET /api/v1/messages?states%5B0%5D=pending&states%5B1%5D=sent
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "message": "Thank you  for registering Jane. Their ID is 12345.",
    "to": "+2896503099",
    "id": "8dc30e38-bc31-491e-8321-407573b86e0b",
    "state": "pending",
    "state_history": [{
      "state": "pending",
      "timestamp": "2017-04-11T09:01:29.665Z"
    "message": "[Sample message] Of course, I will send some with Charles tomorrow. Let me know when you get it.",
    "to": "+2896503099",
    "id": "c8ca60c6c19d4e253f5d107ac801594e",
    "state": "sent",
    "state_history": [
        "state": "pending",
        "timestamp": "2015-03-08T13:09:00.000Z"
        "state": "sent",
        "timestamp": "2015-03-08T13:10:00.000Z"

GET /api/v1/messages/{{id}}

Returns message object matching id (uuid).


If message is not found return 404.


Returns message object.

GET /api/v1/messages/364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "id": "364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733",
  "message": "dinner time",
  "to": "+5511938849332",
  "state": "sent",
  "state_details": "more info about message state"

PUT /api/v1/messages/state/{{id}}

Allows client to update a message's state values. So when a message is sent or delivered, or otherwise changes state, it can be recorded.

Expects a JSON object in the body of the request with the following properties:

  • state

    String value: 'sent', 'pending', 'failed', 'scheduled', 'cleared' or 'delivered'.

  • details

    JSON object or string with more information regarding the state change.

Both properties are saved to the parent object (task) of the message and pushed into the state history.


If invalid JSON return error response 500.

If message is not found return 404.


Success response includes id property.

PUT /api/v1/messages/state/364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733
Content-Type: application/json

  "state": "sent",
  "details": {
    "device": "339A"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "success": true,
  "id": "364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733"

Failure includes error.

PUT /api/v1/messages/state/364c796a843fbe0a73476f9153012733
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "success": false,
  "error": "input is not JSON: Expected ':' instead of '}' at line 1, column 7"

Todo: should updating the state value of a message require the doc's revision?


POST /api/sms

Endpoint used by medic-gateway to send sms messages. More documentation in the medic-gateway repo.


Supported Properties

Use JSON in the request body to specify a person's details.

Note: this does not accomodate having a place field on your form and will likely be revised soon.


Key Description
name String used to describe the person.


Key Description
place String that references a place or object that defines a new place.
reported_date Timestamp of when the record was reported or created. Defaults to now.

POST /api/v1/people

Create new people.


By default any user can create or modify a place. Use these permissions to restrict access:

can_create_people, can_create_places


Create new person and place hierarchy.

POST /api/v1/people
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "Hannah",
  "phone": "+2548277210095",
  "place": {
    "name": "CHP Area One",
    "type": "health_center",
    "parent": {
      "name": "CHP Branch One",
      "type": "district_hospital"

Create new person and assign existing place.

POST /api/v1/people
Content-Type: application/json

 "name": "Samuel",
 "place": "1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862510d115",
  "rev": "1-a4060843d78f46a60a6f41051e40e3b5"


By default any user can create or modify a place.

Supported Properties

Use JSON in the request body to specify a place's details.

Required Properties

Key Description
name String used to describe the place.
type Place type
parent String that references a place or object that defines a new place. Optional for District Hospital and National Office types.

Optional Properties

Key Description
contact String identifier for a person or object that defines a new person.
reported_date Timestamp of when the record was reported or created. Defaults to now.

Place Types

Key Description
clinic Clinic
health_center Health Center
district_hospital District Hospital
national_office National Office

POST /api/v1/places

Create a new place and optionally a contact.


By default any user can create new places. Use these permissions to restrict access:

can_create_places, can_create_people


Create new place referencing existing parent.

POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json

 "name": "Busia Clinic",
 "type": "clinic",
 "parent": "1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137"

Create child and parent places.

POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "CHP Area One",
  "type": "health_center",
  "parent": {
    "name": "CHP Branch One",
    "type": "district_hospital"

Also creates contact (person).

POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "CHP Area One",
  "type": "health_center",
  "parent": {
    "name": "CHP Branch One",
    "type": "district_hospital"
  "contact": {
    "name": "Paul",
    "phone": "+254883720611"

Or assigns them.

POST /api/v1/places
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "CHP Area One",
  "type": "health_center",
  "parent": {
    "name": "CHP Branch One",
    "type": "district_hospital"
  "contact": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862510ef8e"

Example success response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862510d115",
  "rev": "1-a4060843d78f46a60a6f41051e40e3b5"

Error response if facility structure is not correct:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

Health Centers should have "district_hospital" parent type.

POST /api/v1/places/{{id}}

Update a place and optionally its contact.


By default any user can update a place. Use these permissions to restrict access:



Update a place's contact.

POST /api/v1/places/1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137
Content-Type: application/json

 "contact": "71df9d25ed6732ea3b4435862505f7a9"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "1d83f2b4a27eceb40df9e9f9ad06d137",
  "rev": "12-a4060843d78f46a60a6f41051e40e3b5"


All user related requests are limited to users with admin privileges by default.

Supported Properties

Use JSON in the request body to specify user details. Any properties submitted that are not on the list below will be ignored. Any properties not included will be undefined.


Key Description
username String identifier used for authentication.
password Password string used for authentication. Only allowed to be set, not retrieved.
place Place identifier string (UUID) or object this user resides in.
contact A person object based on the form configured in the app.


Key Description
type User permission type, default: district-manager
fullname Full name
email Email address
phone Phone number
language Language preference. e.g. "sw" for Swahili
known Boolean to define if the user has logged in before. Used mainly to determine whether or not to start a tour on first login.

Permission Types

Key Description
national-manager Full permissions on all doc types.
district-manager Full permissions on all doc types in a set of places.
facility-manager Full permissions on all doc types in a given place.
data-entry Only allowed to create new records from a given place.
analytics Read only
gateway Only allowed to create new records.

GET /api/v1/users

Returns a list of users and their profile data in JSON format.




Get list of users:

GET /api/v1/users
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "id": "org.couchdb.user:admin",
    "rev": "10-6486428924d11781c107ea74de6b63b6",
    "type": "admin",
    "username": "admin",
    "language": {
      "code": "en"
    "id": "org.couchdb.user:demo",
    "rev": "14-8758c8493edcc6dac50366173fc3e24a",
    "type": "district-manager",
    "fullname": "Example User",
    "username": "demo",
    "language": {
      "code": "en"
    "place": {
      "_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17d38b",
      "type": "district_hospital",
      "name": "Sample District",
      "contact": {
        "_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
        "type": "person",
        "name": "Paul",
        "phone": "+2868917046"
    "contact": {
      "_id": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17fd17",
      "type": "person",
      "name": "Paul",
      "phone": "+2868917046"

POST /api/v1/users

Create a new user with a place and a contact.


can_create_users, can_create_places, can_create_people


Create a new user that can authenticate with a username of "mary" and password of "secret" that can submit reports and view or modify records associated to their place. The place is created in the background and automatically linked to the contact.

POST /api/v1/users
Content-Type: application/json

  "password": "secret",
  "username": "mary",
  "type": "district-manager",
  "place": {
    "name": "Mary's Area",
    "type": "health_center",
    "parent": "d14e1c3d557761320b13a77e7806e8f8"
  "contact": {
    "name": "Mary Anyango",
    "phone": "+2868917046"
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json

  "contact": {
    "id": "65416b8ceb53ff88ac1847654501aeb3",
    "rev": "1-0b74d219ae13137c1a06f03a0a52e187"
  "user-settings": {
    "id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
    "rev": "1-6ac1d36b775143835f4af53f9895d7ae"
  "user": {
    "id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
    "rev": "1-c3b82a0b47cfe68edd9284c89bebbae4"


Response if the username already exists:

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: text/plain

Document update conflict.

POST /api/v1/users/{{username}}

Allows you to change property values on a user account. Properties listed above are supported except for contact.parent. Creating or modifying people through the user is not supported, see People section.


can_update_users, can_update_places, can_update_people

URL Parameters

Variable Description
username String identifier used for authentication.


POST /api/v1/users/mary
Content-Type: application/json

  "password": "secret",
  "place": "eeb17d6d-5dde-c2c0-62c4a1a0ca17e342"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "user": {
    "id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
    "rev": "23-858e01fafdfa0d367d798fe5b44751ff"
  "user-settings": {
    "id": "org.couchdb.user:mary",
    "rev": "17-c6d03b86d2d5d70f7270c85e67fea96d"

DELETE /api/v1/users/{{username}}

Delete a user. Does not affect a person or place associated to a user.



URL Parameters

Variable Description
username String identifier used for authentication.


DELETE /api/v1/users/mary
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Initiates an upgrade to the provided version. Once this endpoint is called Horticulturalist will take over and complete the installation.


_admin (CouchDB Administrator)


POST /api/v1/upgrade
  "build": {
    "namespace": "medic",
    "application": "medic",
    "version": "3.0.0-beta.1"

For potential forwards compatibility, you must pass the namespace and application as medic.

The version should correspond to a release, pre-release or branch that has been pushed to our builds server (currently hard-coded to This happens automatically upon a successful travis run.

Calling this endpoint will potentially restart API.

It is expected that the caller ensures forwards or backwards compatibility is maintained between deployed versions. This endpoing does not stop you from "upgrading" to an earlier version, or a branch that is incompatible with your current state.