FactPEGASUS: Factuality-Aware Pre-training and Fine-tuning for Abstractive Summarization (NAACL 2022)
This repository contains PyTorch code and pre-trained models for FactPEGASUS.
Authors: David Wan and Mohit Bansal (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Python 3.8
- PyTorch 1.10.2
- datasets 2.0.0
- transformers 4.17.0
- deepspeed 0.6.4
- nltk 3.7
- rouge_score 0.0.4
The prepared dataset can be downloaded here
Dataset can be loaded with datasets.load_from_disk(dir)
, containing three Dataset object: train
, and test
. Each Dataset contains [document, document_ents,summary,summary_ents]
To create the dataset on your own:
- Create DatasetDict from the original dataset
python scripts/create_dataset.py [xsum,gigaword,xsum]
For Wikihow, please download the dataset from https://ucsb.app.box.com/s/ap23l8gafpezf4tq3wapr6u8241zz358 and save the file under <path/to/folder>/wikihowAll.csv
, according the the official instruction. You may need to modify line 7 of the script to point to the right file.
- Use SpaCy to extract entities and depency parse information
python scripts/run_spacy.py xsum
- Run corrector
python scripts/corrector.py --data_dir data/xsum_tokens --save_dir data/xsum_comb --correction_type [all,remove,replace]
Note that for gigaword --lowercase
is needed to avoid we captialize the sentences.
deepspeed --master_port=$PORT --include=localhost:$GPU_IDX src/main.py --fp16 \
--deepspeed src/ds_config.json \
--data_dir data/xsum_comb --do_finetune \
--do_train --model_name models/factpegasus \
--evaluation_strategy no \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 --per_device_eval_batch_size 8 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--learning_rate 3e-05 --weight_decay 0.01 --label_smoothing 0.1 \
--max_source_length 512 --max_target_length 64 \
--logging_step 500 --max_steps 15000 \
--warmup_steps 500 --save_steps 1500 \
--output_dir factpegasus_ft_xsum_comb \
--contrastive_learning --pertubation_type intrinsic --num_negatives 5 --contrastive_weight 5
This should work without deepspeed as well by removing the deepspeed commands and arguments and the --deepspeed
Pretrained model can be downloaded here
We show how to create 1000 training data with realnewslike
, but this can be also applied to the full C4
- Run
. This will create the data that contains the top 5 sentences according to ROUGE-1. - Run FactCC for each example. Note that the prediction from FactCC is actually reverse (0 is for factual and 1 for non-factual). We account that in our script. We provide a dummy prediction file under
- Combine the scores and create the pre-training data with
# effective batch size should be 256
deepspeed --include=localhost:"$GPU_IDX" src/main.py --fp16 \
--data_dir data/c4_rouge1_factcc \
--do_train --do_pretrain --model_name facebook/bart-base \
--deepspeed src/ds_config.json \
--per_device_train_batch_size 64 --gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--learning_rate 1e-4 --weight_decay 0.01 \
--logging_step 100 --max_steps 750000 \
--warmup_steps 20000 --save_steps 5000 \
--max_source_length 512 --max_target_length 256 \
--output_dir factpegasus --pretrain_model_type bart_base --tokenize_on_fly
The code is primarily adapted from the summarization example from transformers and PEGASUS. We also borrowed code FactCC, and info-nce-pytorch.
title={FactPEGASUS: Factuality-Aware Pre-training and Fine-tuning for Abstractive Summarization},
author={Wan, David and Bansal, Mohit},
booktitle={NAACL 2022},