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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 22, 2019. It is now read-only.


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Swatches for Meetup

Hues at my Meetup?

Here they are - standardized and design-approved Meetup colors. For web, mobile web, iOS, and Android.


Development setup

  1. make sure you have ruby 2.0.0 installed (if you use rbenv this will be easy, .ruby-version sets the correct version for the project)
  2. make sure you have the bundler gem installed
  3. use bundler to install dependencies
  4. After editing colors.yaml use this command to rebuild the consumable files
	$ bundle install
	$ edit src/colors.yaml
	$ rake

Updating live documentation

This is currently a manual process.

  1. build docs in your branch by running rake
  2. git checkout gh-pages
  3. git checkout master -- doc/index.html
  4. git add . && git commit -am "update gh-pages" && git push

fun fact: to make a branch-specific or release-specific build of docs live, just copy doc/index.html to gh-pages as [someOtherFile.html]