Simple bookmark manager that uses SQLite to store the links. It supports:
- searching for urls in the database based on keywords (bm ls --help and bm recommend --help for more details)
- tagging the urls (bm tag --help)
- opening the urls in the browser (bm ls --help|grep open-in-browser)
- caching the content of the urls in PDFs and opening the PDFs (bm ls --help|grep open-pdf)
- exporting the database to CSV and HTML
bm a ""
bm a "" --desc='sqlite documentation'
bm a "" --tags='database documentation reference' # 3 tags, "database", "documentation", and "reference"
bm ls # display all
bm ls 'health insurance' #look for "health" and "insurance" (both should be present) in urls, titles, tags and description.
bm ls 'health insurance' --query-mode=or # look for either "health" OR "insurance" (any should be present) in urls, titles, tags, and description)
bm ls 'health insurance' --nb=5 # show 5 first (sorted by time)
bm ls 'health insurance' --nb=10 --sort-by=views # show 10 first (sorted by views desc)
bm ls 'health insurance' --nb=10 --sort-by=views --order=asc # show 10 first (sorted by views asc)
bm ls --random #show urls in random order
bm ls --random --nb=5 # show 5 randomly chosen urls
bm ls 'health insurance' --random --nb=5 # show 5 randomly chosen urls which contain they keywords "health" and "insurance"
bm ls --id=142 #look for a specfic url (each url has an id)
bm ls --tags='video' #look for all urls tagged as "video"
bm ls --trim=false #do not trim the urls (trimming is used to constrain the urls to be in one line)
bm ls --id=142 --open-in-browser #open a specific url in the browser
bm ls 'machine learning' --open-in-browser --open-all # open all machine learning related urls in browser
bm ls 'machine learning' --open-pdf --open-all # open all machine learning related urls in pdf (cached version)
bm rm --id=143 #remove a specific url
bm rm 'health insurance' #remove all urls which match the keywords "health" and "insurance"
bm export-csv out.csv
bm export-html out.html
bm export-markdown
bm export-pocket consumer_key access_token