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SrKit is written in Eclipse Oxygen using Java 1.8 and runs on a Apache Tomcat 8.5 server with a MySql 5.6 database.
To get the project running there are a few steps you will need to take.
the web.xml file ln:12-13 will need to be edited for you local machine. Replace "[[ your database username]]" with your local instance database username, and same with the password.
the SrKit Database/Schema will need be created and named "sr5". (You can name it whatever you like, but you'll have to change the code in multiple places, I do not recommend it)
once the Database is created you can use the sr5dump.sql to import all the required tables and data for the project. Make sure you select the correct database/schema.
USE sr5
. You can either run the script from mysql workbench or from command line type:mysql sr5 < [[path of sr5dump.sql file]]/sr5dump.sql
You will need to create a user account before you can login to SrKit, before you can do this let me explain a bit about encryption. SrKit uses ecryption to store user passwords. We use mysql
to encrypt the tuser.pwd column. The 'key' is saved in the java class ln:19. So to insert a user record you will need to exucte the following mysql query:INSERT INTO
. This should create a SysAdmin account with user name and password 'admin'.sr5
) VALUES ('admin','admin','',now(),AES_ENCRYPT('admin','MageChummer'),0,10,'','','Core','SysAdmin',0,1); -
SrKit also uses MySql Stored Procedures. There are 2 stored procedures you will need to run they are select_character.sql and select_message_threads.sql. You can run them from mysql workbench or right from the command line:
mysql sr5 < [[path of select_character.sql file]]/select_character.sql
Required Jar Files for Tomcat Lib. The project uses 3rd party *.jar files, place them in /[[your tomcat path]]/lib