This application enables the detection of math symbols within mathematical expressions. It utilizes object detection techniques to identify and locate math symbols present in the expressions.
app demo :
This web-based application utilizes the Faster R-CNN ResNet50 model trained with TensorFlow Object Detection API to perform object detection. It operates by performing inference from a Saved Model and can be accessed directly through a web browser using Flask as the server. The application identifies objects in images and provides predictions of symbols along with their corresponding bounding boxes.
The application is developed as the final thesis project for the Information Technology program at the Universitas Sumatera Utara by Meina Lisa 191402032.
- Open command prompt
- Go to directory
- Run
pip install -r requirement.txt
- Run
orflask run
- Open in browser
- Train your model using TensorFlow Object Detection API
- Export the trained model as a Saved Model and save the corresponding label_map.pbtxt file
- Replace the existing Saved Model folder with the newly exported one
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