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Add missing export modifiers in Data.Vect
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Lots were missing, and some were export, which should probably be public
export because the nature of Vect is that it could commonly be used in

Fixes idris-lang#13
  • Loading branch information
edwinb committed Jul 18, 2019
1 parent d00a482 commit b1081e6
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 35 deletions.
88 changes: 53 additions & 35 deletions libs/base/Data/Vect.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ init (x::y::ys) = x :: init (y::ys)
||| ```idris example
||| index 1 [1,2,3,4]
||| ```
public export
index : Fin len -> Vect len elem -> elem
index FZ (x::xs) = x
index (FS k) (x::xs) = index k xs
Expand All @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ index (FS k) (x::xs) = index k xs
||| ```idris example
||| insertAt 1 8 [1,2,3,4]
||| ```
public export
insertAt : Fin (S len) -> elem -> Vect len elem -> Vect (S len) elem
insertAt FZ y xs = y :: xs
insertAt (FS k) y (x::xs) = x :: insertAt k y xs
Expand All @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ insertAt (FS k) y [] = absurd k
||| ```idris example
||| deleteAt 1 [1,2,3,4]
||| ```
public export
deleteAt : Fin (S len) -> Vect (S len) elem -> Vect len elem
deleteAt FZ (x::xs) = xs
deleteAt {len = S m} (FS k) (x::xs) = x :: deleteAt k xs
Expand All @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ deleteAt _ [] impossible
||| ```idris example
||| replaceAt 1 8 [1,2,3,4]
||| ```
public export
replaceAt : Fin len -> elem -> Vect len elem -> Vect len elem
replaceAt FZ y (x::xs) = y :: xs
replaceAt (FS k) y (x::xs) = x :: replaceAt k y xs
Expand All @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ replaceAt (FS k) y (x::xs) = x :: replaceAt k y xs
||| ```idris example
||| updateAt 1 (+10) [1,2,3,4]
||| ```
public export
updateAt : (i : Fin len) -> (f : elem -> elem) -> (xs : Vect len elem) -> Vect len elem
updateAt FZ f (x::xs) = f x :: xs
updateAt (FS k) f (x::xs) = x :: updateAt k f xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ intersperse sep (x::xs) = x :: intersperse' sep xs
-- Conversion from list (toList is provided by Foldable)

public export
fromList' : Vect len elem -> (l : List elem) -> Vect (length l + len) elem
fromList' ys [] = ys
fromList' {len} ys (x::xs) =
Expand All @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ fromList' {len} ys (x::xs) =
||| ```idris example
||| fromList [1,2,3,4]
||| ```
public export
fromList : (l : List elem) -> Vect (length l) elem
fromList l =
rewrite (sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral (length l)) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ zip3 = zipWith3 (\x,y,z => (x,y,z))
||| ```idris example
||| unzip (fromList [(1,2), (1,2)])
||| ```
public export
unzip : (xs : Vect n (a, b)) -> (Vect n a, Vect n b)
unzip [] = ([], [])
unzip ((l, r)::xs) with (unzip xs)
Expand All @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ unzip ((l, r)::xs) with (unzip xs)
||| ```idris example
||| unzip3 (fromList [(1,2,3), (1,2,3)])
||| ```
public export
unzip3 : (xs : Vect n (a, b, c)) -> (Vect n a, Vect n b, Vect n c)
unzip3 [] = ([], [], [])
unzip3 ((l,c,r)::xs) with (unzip3 xs)
Expand All @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ unzip3 ((l,c,r)::xs) with (unzip3 xs)
-- Equality

public export
implementation (Eq elem) => Eq (Vect len elem) where
(==) [] [] = True
(==) (x::xs) (y::ys) = x == y && xs == ys
Expand All @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ implementation (Eq elem) => Eq (Vect len elem) where
-- Order

public export
implementation Ord elem => Ord (Vect len elem) where
compare [] [] = EQ
compare (x::xs) (y::ys)
Expand All @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ implementation Ord elem => Ord (Vect len elem) where
-- Maps

public export
implementation Functor (Vect n) where
map f [] = []
map f (x::xs) = f x :: map f xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ foldrImpl : (t -> acc -> acc) -> acc -> (acc -> acc) -> Vect n t -> acc
foldrImpl f e go [] = go e
foldrImpl f e go (x::xs) = foldrImpl f e (go . (f x)) xs

public export
implementation Foldable (Vect n) where
foldr f e xs = foldrImpl f e id xs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,6 +577,7 @@ elemIndices = elemIndicesBy (==)
||| ```idris example
||| filter (< 3) (fromList [1,2,3,4])
||| ```
public export
filter : (elem -> Bool) -> Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
filter p [] = ( _ ** [] )
filter p (x::xs) =
Expand All @@ -591,29 +592,32 @@ filter p (x::xs) =
||| ```idris example
||| nubBy (==) (fromList [1,2,2,3,4,4])
||| ```
-- nubBy : (elem -> elem -> Bool) -> Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
-- nubBy = nubBy' []
-- where
-- nubBy' : forall len . Vect m elem -> (elem -> elem -> Bool) -> Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
-- nubBy' acc p [] = (_ ** [])
-- nubBy' acc p (x::xs) with (elemBy p x acc)
-- nubBy' acc p (x :: xs) | True = nubBy' acc p xs
-- nubBy' acc p (x :: xs) | False with (nubBy' (x::acc) p xs)
-- nubBy' acc p (x :: xs) | False | (_ ** tail) = (_ ** x::tail)
-- ||| Make the elements of some vector unique by the default Boolean equality
-- |||
-- ||| ```idris example
-- ||| nub (fromList [1,2,2,3,4,4])
-- ||| ```
-- nub : Eq elem => Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
-- nub = nubBy (==)
public export
nubBy : (elem -> elem -> Bool) -> Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
nubBy = nubBy' []
nubBy' : forall len . Vect m elem -> (elem -> elem -> Bool) -> Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
nubBy' acc p [] = (_ ** [])
nubBy' acc p (x::xs) with (elemBy p x acc)
nubBy' acc p (x :: xs) | True = nubBy' acc p xs
nubBy' acc p (x :: xs) | False with (nubBy' (x::acc) p xs)
nubBy' acc p (x :: xs) | False | (_ ** tail) = (_ ** x::tail)

||| Make the elements of some vector unique by the default Boolean equality
||| ```idris example
||| nub (fromList [1,2,2,3,4,4])
||| ```
public export
nub : Eq elem => Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
nub = nubBy (==)

||| Delete first element from list according to some test
||| ```idris example
||| deleteBy (<) 3 (fromList [1,2,2,3,4,4])
||| ```
public export
deleteBy : {len : _} -> -- needed for the dependent pair
(elem -> elem -> Bool) -> elem -> Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
deleteBy _ _ [] = (_ ** [])
Expand All @@ -626,6 +630,7 @@ deleteBy eq x (y::ys) =
||| ```idris example
||| delete 2 (fromList [1,2,2,3,4,4])
||| ```
public export
delete : {len : _} ->
Eq elem => elem -> Vect len elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
delete = deleteBy (==)
Expand All @@ -645,6 +650,7 @@ delete = deleteBy (==)
||| ```idris example
||| splitAt 2 (fromList [1,2,3,4])
||| ```
public export
splitAt : (n : Nat) -> (xs : Vect (n + m) elem) -> (Vect n elem, Vect m elem)
splitAt Z xs = ([], xs)
splitAt (S k) (x :: xs) with (splitAt k {m} xs)
Expand All @@ -656,6 +662,7 @@ splitAt (S k) (x :: xs) with (splitAt k {m} xs)
||| ```idris example
||| partition (== 2) (fromList [1,2,3,2,4])
||| ```
public export
partition : (elem -> Bool) -> Vect len elem -> ((p ** Vect p elem), (q ** Vect q elem))
partition p [] = ((_ ** []), (_ ** []))
partition p (x::xs) =
Expand All @@ -674,6 +681,7 @@ partition p (x::xs) =
||| ```idris example
||| isPrefixOfBy (==) (fromList [1,2]) (fromList [1,2,3,4])
||| ```
public export
isPrefixOfBy : (elem -> elem -> Bool) -> Vect m elem -> Vect len elem -> Bool
isPrefixOfBy p [] right = True
isPrefixOfBy p left [] = False
Expand All @@ -684,6 +692,7 @@ isPrefixOfBy p (x::xs) (y::ys) = p x y && isPrefixOfBy p xs ys
||| ```idris example
||| isPrefixOf (fromList [1,2]) (fromList [1,2,3,4])
||| ```
public export
isPrefixOf : Eq elem => Vect m elem -> Vect len elem -> Bool
isPrefixOf = isPrefixOfBy (==)

Expand All @@ -692,6 +701,7 @@ isPrefixOf = isPrefixOfBy (==)
||| ```idris example
||| isSuffixOfBy (==) (fromList [3,4]) (fromList [1,2,3,4])
||| ```
public export
isSuffixOfBy : (elem -> elem -> Bool) -> Vect m elem -> Vect len elem -> Bool
isSuffixOfBy p left right = isPrefixOfBy p (reverse left) (reverse right)

Expand All @@ -700,6 +710,7 @@ isSuffixOfBy p left right = isPrefixOfBy p (reverse left) (reverse right)
||| ```idris example
||| isSuffixOf (fromList [3,4]) (fromList [1,2,3,4])
||| ```
public export
isSuffixOf : Eq elem => Vect m elem -> Vect len elem -> Bool
isSuffixOf = isSuffixOfBy (==)

Expand All @@ -712,6 +723,7 @@ isSuffixOf = isSuffixOfBy (==)
||| ```idris example
||| maybeToVect (Just 2)
||| ```
public export
maybeToVect : Maybe elem -> (p ** Vect p elem)
maybeToVect Nothing = (_ ** [])
maybeToVect (Just j) = (_ ** [j])
Expand All @@ -721,6 +733,7 @@ maybeToVect (Just j) = (_ ** [j])
||| ```idris example
||| vectToMaybe [2]
||| ```
public export
vectToMaybe : Vect len elem -> Maybe elem
vectToMaybe [] = Nothing
vectToMaybe (x::xs) = Just x
Expand All @@ -734,6 +747,7 @@ vectToMaybe (x::xs) = Just x
||| ```idris example
||| catMaybes [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Nothing, Just 5]
||| ```
public export
catMaybes : Vect n (Maybe elem) -> (p ** Vect p elem)
catMaybes [] = (_ ** [])
catMaybes (Nothing::xs) = catMaybes xs
Expand All @@ -746,10 +760,12 @@ catMaybes ((Just j)::xs) =
||| ```idris example
||| diag [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
||| ```
public export
diag : Vect len (Vect len elem) -> Vect len elem
diag [] = []
diag ((x::xs)::xss) = x :: diag (map tail xss)

public export
range : {len : Nat} -> Vect len (Fin len)
range {len=Z} = []
range {len=S _} = FZ :: map FS range
Expand All @@ -763,6 +779,7 @@ range {len=S _} = FZ :: map FS range
||| ```idris example
||| transpose [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8]]
||| ```
public export
transpose : {n : _} -> Vect m (Vect n elem) -> Vect n (Vect m elem)
transpose [] = replicate _ [] -- = [| [] |]
transpose (x :: xs) = zipWith (::) x (transpose xs) -- = [| x :: xs |]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -811,7 +828,7 @@ neitherHereNorThere xneqy xninxs Here = xneqy Refl
neitherHereNorThere xneqy xninxs (There xinxs) = xninxs xinxs

||| A decision procedure for Elem
public export
isElem : DecEq a => (x : a) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> Dec (Elem x xs)
isElem x [] = No noEmptyElem
isElem x (y :: xs) with (decEq x y)
Expand All @@ -820,18 +837,18 @@ isElem x (y :: xs) with (decEq x y)
isElem x (y :: xs) | (No xneqy) | (Yes xinxs) = Yes (There xinxs)
isElem x (y :: xs) | (No xneqy) | (No xninxs) = No (neitherHereNorThere xneqy xninxs)

public export
replaceElem : (xs : Vect k t) -> Elem x xs -> (y : t) -> (ys : Vect k t ** Elem y ys)
replaceElem (x::xs) Here y = (y :: xs ** Here)
replaceElem (x::xs) (There xinxs) y with (replaceElem xs xinxs y)
replaceElem (x::xs) (There xinxs) y | (ys ** yinys) = (x :: ys ** There yinys)

public export
replaceByElem : (xs : Vect k t) -> Elem x xs -> t -> Vect k t
replaceByElem (x::xs) Here y = y :: xs
replaceByElem (x::xs) (There xinxs) y = x :: replaceByElem xs xinxs y

public export
mapElem : {0 xs : Vect k t} -> {0 f : t -> u} ->
Elem x xs -> Elem (f x) (map f xs)
mapElem Here = Here
Expand All @@ -841,7 +858,7 @@ mapElem (There e) = There (mapElem e)
||| @xs The vector to be removed from
||| @p A proof that the element to be removed is in the vector
public export
dropElem : (xs : Vect (S k) t) -> (p : Elem x xs) -> Vect k t
dropElem (x :: ys) Here = ys
dropElem {k = (S k)} (x :: ys) (There later) = x :: dropElem ys later
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -869,6 +886,7 @@ exactLength {m} len xs with (decEq m len)
||| at least that length in its type, otherwise return Nothing
||| @len the required length
||| @xs the vector with the desired length
overLength : {m : Nat} -> -- expected at run-time
(len : Nat) -> (xs : Vect m a) -> Maybe (p ** Vect (plus p len) a)
overLength {m} n xs with (cmp m n)
Expand Down

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