Eric's Object Storage Service(EOSS) is my experimental object storage service. I designed EOSS with following features:
- support object versioning
- support HTTP HEAD/GET/PUT/DELETE methods for object operations
- support object writing operation rollback if failure occurs
- support safe mode
- support concurrent writing
- object metadata and object files should be easy to move around
EOSS uses local filesystem as the storage layer.
EOSS has 3 pieces of components: EOSS Service, Metadata Database and Storage Layer. EOSS Service is a Flask application that is written by Python 3. Metadata Database uses SQLite to store the object metadata. Storage Layer is local filesystem or local-mounted NFS share.
Metadata Database(MDS) uses SQLite as the metadata store.
Column Name | Type | Description |
id | String | object name |
filename | String | object original filename |
version | String | object version |
size | Integer | object size |
timestamp | Integer | latest updated timestamp |
state | Integer | object writing state |
To support object versioning, the user needs to specify a special string called version salt, this version salt will be used to construct the final version string by base64 method. Once the user passes version string by using the header X-EOSS-Object-Version, EOSS will construct the a string in the following format:
<object filename>:<version salt>:<version string>
then EOSS applies base64 method on the string as the final object name. Here's an example:
object filename: testfile100m
version salt: snoopy
version string: ver1.0
The version salt should not be shared with end users.
EOSS uses 3 integers to object writing states. In each phase, EOSS will update MDS with proper state integer. When an object is uploading, following phases are triggered:
- set an exclusive lock on a lock file with a ".lock" suffix in object name in storage layer
- object writing request initialized
- object data is saved with a ".temp" suffix in object name in storage layer
- object file is renamed to the final object name
Number | Description |
1 | initial state - object writing request initialized |
2 | object is saved on storage layer with a temp suffix |
0 | final state - object is renamed to final object name |
In order to avoid inconsistent state left if uploading is failed, a rollback operation is necessary to ensure all writing is atomic. Rollback feature only exists in uploading function(HTTP PUT method).
If any MDS update or object storing operations go wrong, the rollback function will be triggered. The rollback function will delete the data on the storage layer first then removing the object record from MDS.
If rollback is failed, it's possible the service is still in inconsistent state. But such leftover states would be cleaned up when service restarts.
EOSS utilizes a simplified Two-Phase Locking mechanism to address concurrent write scenarios. Prior to initiating the actual write, an exclusive lock is placed on a lock file. Instead of waiting for the transaction to complete, EOSS promptly returns an HTTP response code 409 to the client, indicating the detection of concurrent writes and advising the client to retry at a later time.
Safe Mode is a special operational mode in EOSS. Once Safe Mode is enabled, all READ operations(HTTP HEAD and GET methods) is still working but all WRITE(HTTP PUT and DELETE methods) operations would be failed.
This feature is useful when service administrator needs to maintain the service but not interrupting users to read objects.
EOSS obeys most standard HTTP response codes. Following table lists EOSS customized HTTP response codes:
HTTP Response Code | Text | Description |
409 | Object Read/Write Conflict | read or write on the same object that has exclusive lock |
440 | Object Initialized Only | object is just initialized, not ready for serving |
441 | Object Saved Not Closed | object is saved with a temp suffix, not ready for serving |
520 | MDS Connection Failure | failed to connect MDS |
521 | MDS Execution Failure | failed to execute SQL queries on MDS |
522 | MDS Commit Failure | failed to commit transactions to MDS |
523 | EOSS Internal Exception Failure | EOSS encounters exceptions that are unable to catch |
524 | EOSS Inconsistent Condition Failure | EOSS encounters internal inconsistency issue |
525 | EOSS Safemode Enabled | Safe Mode is enabled on EOSS |
526 | EOSS Rollback Done | Rollback procedure is successful |
527 | EOSS Rollback Failed | Rollback procedure is failed |
Each HTTP response from EOSS would have a special header called X-EOSS-Request-ID which is used to identify source request.
object endpoint is used for users to handle object operations like download/upload/delete.
HTTP HEAD method is used for checking if object exists or not.
$ curl -I http://localhost:4080/eoss/v1/object/testfile100m -H "X-EOSS-Object-Version: ver1.0"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 13
X-EOSS-Request-ID: 1010f676-5e58-4681-b0cd-bb117d2440fe
HTTP GET method is used for downloading object.
$ curl http://localhost:4080/eoss/v1/object/testfile100m -H "X-EOSS-Object-Version: ver1.0" -o testfile100m.example -v -s
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 4080 (#0)
> GET /eoss/v1/object/testfile100m HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:4080
> User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
> Accept: */*
> X-EOSS-Object-Version: ver1.0
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=testfile100m
< Content-Type: application/octet-stream
< Content-Length: 104857600
< Last-Modified: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 04:27:50 GMT
< Cache-Control: no-cache
< ETag: "1681273670.2883308-104857600-2117080245"
< Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 18:06:14 GMT
< X-EOSS-Request-ID: 75ac9c35-5a03-47fd-a992-3b553585f9a6
HTTP PUT method is used for uploading object.
If the object exists in the storage already, HTTP PUT will re-write the same object.
$ curl -X PUT -T testfile.100M http://localhost:4080/eoss/v1/object/testfile100m -H "X-EOSS-Object-Version: ver2.0" -v -s
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 4080 (#0)
> PUT /eoss/v1/object/testfile100m HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:4080
> User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
> Accept: */*
> X-EOSS-Object-Version: ver2.0
> Content-Length: 104857600
> Expect: 100-continue
* Done waiting for 100-continue
* We are completely uploaded and fine
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 15
< X-EOSS-Request-ID: a9ae69a8-38f6-4de2-8489-12ed52aa041f
Object Uploaded
HTTP PUT method is used for deleting object.
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4080/eoss/v1/object/testfile100m -H "X-EOSS-Object-Version: ver2.0" -v -s
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 4080 (#0)
> DELETE /eoss/v1/object/testfile100m HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:4080
> User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
> Accept: */*
> X-EOSS-Object-Version: ver2.0
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 14
< X-EOSS-Request-ID: e28ac80c-4771-4aea-97aa-5142d8548889
Object Deleted
stats endpoint reads MDS and display a summary in JSON format. Following fields are included:
Field Name | Description |
total_number_objects | total number of objects |
total_storage_usage | total storage space usage in byte |
youngest_object_updated_timestamp | youngest object updated timestamp |
oldest_object_updated_timestamp | oldest object updated timestamp |
number_object_upload_init | total number of objects that are just initialized(state 1) |
number_object_saved_in_temp_name | total number of objects that are saved with a temp suffix(state 2) |
number_object_uploaded | total number if objects that are uploaded that are in finalized state(state 0) |
$ curl http://localhost:4080/eoss/v1/stats -s | json_pp
"number_object_saved_in_temp_name" : 0,
"number_object_upload_init" : 0,
"number_object_uploaded" : 14,
"oldest_object_updated_timestamp" : 1681488651,
"total_number_objects" : 14,
"total_storage_usage" : 1156579328,
"youngest_object_updated_timestamp" : 1681273670
Clone the git repository
variable insrc/eoss/
to specify correct location foreoss.yaml
. -
Modify the
configuration file with proper settings. The file controls EOSS backend service settings.
: object version salt. default value is the string snoopy
: file path location to store objects
: metadata database file location
: metadata database table name. default value is the string metadata
: file path location to store lock files of objects
: EOSS service logging path to store log files
: logging rotation count. default value is 10
: maximum size of each log file. default value is 1 GB
: safe mode flag. default value is False
- Modify the
configuration file with proper settings. This file controls EOSS HTTP service settings.
: file path that points src
Go to
directory and
command. This command will bootstrap and create metadata database and necessary directories. -
Go to
directory and
to start EOSS service. This script will
first to check and clean up EOSS environment then it will bring up the WSGI HTTP service.
There are 4 logs for EOSS service.
: MDS database operations log
: object operations log
: EOSS main service log
: WSGI HTTP service log
<request_id> <latency> <request remote address> <http request method> <http request path> <http response code> <http request user agent>
2023-04-11 21:27:59,538 61c439e6-8f5d-4764-bea0-0a385c334d3e 1215 PUT /eoss/v1/object/testfile100m 200 curl/7.85.0
- UTF-8 support
Allow users to re-upload the same object without extra object deleting cycle- Add more integration testings for the service
0.0.1 - initial commit
0.0.2 - [bug][issue#1] - fix concurrent write failures issue
0.0.3 - [enhancement][issue#2] - support override writing in PUT method
0.0.4 - [enhancement][issue#9] - improve data store resilience
This object storage service is my experimental project, please feel free to submit a bug or feature request. Thanks!