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BookShelf Example gRPC service


This repo is created for demonstrating basic usage of evans on the blog post.

Blog Post :


Proto File

// it is important to declare syntax version
syntax = "proto3";
service BookShelf {
    rpc AddBook(AddBookRequest) returns (AddBookResponse) {}
    rpc ListBook (ListBooksRequest) returns (ListBooksResponse) {}
    rpc DelBook (DelBookRequest) returns (DelBookResponse){}
    rpc FindBook (FindBookRequest) returns (FindBookResponse){}

message AddBookRequest {
    string addedBy = 1;
    BookInfo book = 2;
    message BookInfo {
        string isbn =1;
        string name =2;
        string author=3;
        string addedBy=4;


message AddBookResponse {
    string message = 1;
message ListBooksRequest {
// no need to have anything
// could be extended to list books based on category ...

message ListBooksResponse {
    repeated BookInfo books =1;
    message BookInfo {
        string isbn =1;
        string name =2;
        string author=3;
        string addedBy=4;

message  DelBookRequest {
    string isbn =1;

message DelBookResponse {
    string message =1;
message FindBookRequest {
    string isbn =1;

message FindBookResponse {
    Book book = 1;
    message Book {
        string isbn =1;
        string name =2;
        string author=3;
        string addedBy=4;

Compiling proto

$ protoc -I proto/ proto/bs.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto 

Running server

$ go run server/main.go 


Evans Demo