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angular blog cms

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Static modern blogging CMS platform

Blast fast with angular framework, this blogg apps is open source code, you can modify with you needed.

This is a static version so no need databased , for update post article you can write content on blogs.ts file

project on stackblitz + deploy on firebase

angular blog cms

The Schema is very slim blog, just write content and fext url for image so with this angular blog make simple and fast for blogger.

lets get started now with angular blog.

Download this angular blog cms , or clone fork it.

extract file to your project folder, and run 'npm install' for install this angular blog cms, and then get started with run 'ng serve' open web browser localhost:4200

for editing the code use a code editor like notepad ++ , VS code or other.

For full installation and documentation and live demo visit here :

Demo this web apps : click here →

Happy blogging...

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