Crypto market prices for your Macbook Pro touch bar! Values updated every minute.
Modified to support Denarius (DNR)
Currently supported coins:
- Bitcoin - Pulled from API.
- Ethereum - Pulled from API.
- Litecoin - Pulled from API.
- Neo - Pulled from API.
- Civic - Pulled from API.
- Denarius - Pulled from API. (This is an addon under dnr.json)
- All values are in USD.
- For values taken from, the very last price this coin was sold for is used. Bonus feature: If you click the button it translates the current USD value to ETH.
- Once installed, you can delete any coins you are not interested in tracking.
- Download and install Better Touch Tool. It allows you to modify your touch bar and other cool things. It's a 45-day trial but "pay what you like" to register.
- Right-click and download this repo and unzip it: []
- In your Mac's menu bar, click the Better Touch Tool
icon > Preferences
. - In the bottom left corner of the popup go to
Manage Presets
. - Click the "Import" button and select the crypto-krunkosaurus.json file you downloaded from the zip file in step 2. Voilà you're done!
- If you want support for other coins, repeat step 5 with dnr.json or any of the other *.json files that came with the zip file you downloaded. By importing dnr.json for example, it will add support for Denarius.
- Note that you can toggle these separate presets on and off in the BetterTouchTool settings. More to come!
- In the Better Touch Tool preferences panel, you can add, delete, and rearrange the currencies.
- Timing: Currently each currency is refreshed every 60 seconds. Change this by going to Better Touch Tool preferences panel, clicking on a currency, going to "advanced configuration", and adjusting the "run script every x seconds" amount. It's not recommended to go under 30 seconds or the server could ban you.
- Changing the logo of any coin: Download or make a .PNG version of the file. It's best if it has a clear background. In BetterTouchTool preferences go to the coin you want to change and drag your PNG file on to the old logo.
- Changing the background color of a logo: Same step as the previous line except you go to "Advanced Configuration" and edit "Touchbar button color".
_I am not the original author of this script. The original idea came from here.
- Add-on support for Denarius (DNR)
Thanks to the original source here that my modified/optimized version is based on.