Displays video images using PyGame (>= 1.9). Allows selection of resolution and has a primitive tool to measure distances.
You can mark several distances (CTRL+left mouse button) and the mean value gets saved (in file .dc) and loaded on next start. When you mark distances with SHIFT+left mouse button the length is displayed on command line. So you should start displayCam.py from command line, if you want to use this feature!
usage: displaycam.py [-l] [-s] [-m] [-v] [-d [DEVICE]] [-w [WIDTH]] [-h [HEIGHT]] [-?]
Display camera video with pygame (>= 1.9). Left mouse button + mouse motion drags video. Right mouse button takes screenshot, CTRL + right mouse button saves screenshot with drawn lines. CTRL + left mouse button + mouse motion draws calibration line. SHIFT + left mouse button + mouse motion draws measuring line. DEL deletes measured values. CTRL + DEL deletes calibration (including measured values). g displays/hides grid. ESC exits. Please start this program from command line!
optional arguments:
-l, --list Print avaiable video devices
-s, --scale Scale video (default), otherwise it is displayed 1:1 and may be dragged with the mouse.
-m, --flipHorizontal Flip video horizontal
-v, --flipVertical Flip video vertical
-d [DEVICE], --device [DEVICE] Name of the camera device. Default is /dev/video0
-w [WIDTH], --width [WIDTH] Width of view
-h [HEIGHT], --height [HEIGHT] Height of view
-?, --help Print usage information