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Coco/R Syntax Highlighting - VS Code

The Compile Generator Coco/R syntax highlighting package for Visual Studio Code editor for Java, C# and C++ ports.

  • Your file should end with .java.atg if you want to use the Java syntax highlighting
  • Your file should end with .cs.atg if you want to use the C# syntax highlighting
  • Your file should end with .cpp.atg if you want to use the C++ syntax highlighting
  • Wrap the domain port code there was written in your ATG file between the //#domain and //#enddomain lines

The language files were taken from mschoebel' Coco/R syntax highlighter plugin for Sublime Text.


language selector

domain parts

semantic context highlights properly


  1. Clone the repository - git clone
  2. npm install
  3. Open it in VSCode
  4. Go to the debugging section and run the laungh program "Launch Extension"
  5. This will open another VSCode window with the extension enabled
  6. Create a new file with a file name suffix matching your language (eg: .java.atg)
  7. Verify that syntax highlight works and that the language configuration settings are working
  8. Make changes to syntaxes/* file and reload the VSC window to load the changes

Copyright Notes

Copyright (c) 2012, Michael Schoebel
All rights reserved for the TextMate grammars.