This software allows to auto-generate a Virtual Machine capable of running Zend Framework 2 for development purposes. It removes the burden of setting up a LAMP-like environment on your local box.
The following installation instruction assume, you are using ZendSkeletonApplication.
Before you can build your own VM based on the code provided, you will first need to install some tools on your host box. It somewhat looks like getting all the tools up and running is even more work than setting up LAMP itself. However, first, installation of tools is really quick & easy and second, it's a one time effort allowing you to create different LAMP-environments in future easily without messing up your local system at all (ever worked on 2 projects in parallel, that required a different Apache/PHP setup?).
Here's what you need to do step by step:
- Install Virtual Box
- Install Ruby
- Install Vagrant
- Import Base Box
- Install Zend Framework Boilerplate 2 - Virtual Machine Component
Head-over to the Virtual Box Homepage and pick the installer matching your host system. Run it.
Head-over to the Ruby Homepage and pick the installation method of your choice. On Windows, you will want to use Ruby Installer. Run it.
Head-over to the Vagrant Homepage and pick the installer matching your host system. Run it.
Your VM is based on a Ubuntu base installation you will need to download first, before you can build your own
environment on top of it. In a shell, type vagrant box add precise64
. The
download should start immediately.
The recommend way to install the library itself is to use composer. If you're using ZendSkeletonApplication
you simply need to add another dependency in composer.json
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"zendframework/zendframework": "2.*",
"zfb/zfb-vm": "dev-master"
Then, run php composer.phar update
. After download is done, copy Vagrantfile.dist
from vendor/zfb/zfb-vm
to your application root folder and rename it from Vagrantfile.dist
to Vagrantfile
. In a shell, change
to your application root folder and type vagrant up
. Now the VM creation process is in progress (takes a while).
Once done, fire up a browser and point it to http://localhost:8080