A true follower of Atomic Habits and constantly working to create superior habits and systems that provide more energy, clarity, organization, mental & physical health, and total freedom as I build projects to power a better engineered world.
I'm constantly trying different development patterns, technologies, tools, and frameworks as I refine my own ability to create, style, and refactor engineering projects. The styling and formatting can vary greatly between projects, but each has strong internal formatting consistency. The listed projects are primarily learning demonstrations for potential employers and myself, and are currently formatted for my own readability. I'm very familiar with utilizing team formatting tools (Prettier/EsLint/popular style guides) and can easily output code in any style format requested of me.
Preferred Tech: Next.js(12 is awesome), React(16.8+ hooks), Functional TypeScript/JavaScript ES6+(can work with OOP if needed), Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, Figma design, CSS3, HTML5+, FullStack-MERN, Node.js, MongoDB, Sanity, Git/Github, Firebase(Auth), auth0, BitBucket, Jira
Learned Tech: OOP JavaScript, SQL database queries, Redux Toolkit, Redux Thunk
Top education initiatives are...
- Improving TypeScript proficiency as it's truly the best tool for JavaScript-based team development.
- Working to deploy more FullStack applications and increase Node.js/Backend proficiency.
- Constantly growing web security knowledge for both my projects and personal/family well-being.
- Dive into WEB 3.0 technologies - OpenSea, Solidity, MetaMask, Blockchain, Smart Contracts.