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my-app is a Microlambda project. Check the documentation to get started.

Build the project

You can check that the project builds using:

yarn mila build

This will build all packages in topological order.

Subsequent builds will use local caches.

Run unit and functional tests

You run the automated tests using:

yarn mila-runner run test

This will test all packages in parallel.

Start locally

Start the project with Microlambda UI using yarn start

Deploy to AWS

In your current terminal session, log in AWS using a keypair, SSO or exporting AWS_PROFILE.

Verify you are logged in correct account using aws sts get-caller-identity

Initialize remote state using yarn mila init

Create a new environment

Create a new environment using yarn mila envs create <env-name>.

And choose all regions were infrastructure should be replicated.

Then perform your first deploy using yarn mila deploy -e <env-name>

Create a regional replicate

Create a replicate for an exiting environment using yarn mila envs create-replicate <env-name> <target-region>.

The services will be deployed on the region and the remote state updated.

You can remove a replicate using yarn mila envs destroy-replicate <env-name> <target-region>

Warning: this will destroy all resources in the target region.

Destroy an environment

Destory an existing environment using yarn mila envs destroy <env-name>.

Warning: this will destroy all resources related to this environment.

Create a new microservice

Use blueprints to generate boilerplate for new services and packages using yarn mila generate

Remove a microservice

To remove a microservice which has already been deployed, use the remove command to delete services in every environment it has been deployed.

yarn mila remove -e <env> -s <my-service>

Then, remove it from the codebase

rm -rf ./services/<my-service>



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