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REST Analytics Quickstart

This repository contains a template Azure Synapse Analytics project designed to ingest data that is available through REST APIs.

  • Use GitHub Actions to deploy all the Azure resources you need to get started with API data ingestion in a matter of minutes
  • Explore the OpenAQ API and get insights from sensor data
  • Understand watermarking and metadata-driven data ingestion techniques
  • Use the templates a starting point to integrate our own APIs

Table of contents


Bringing data from third party APIs into a Data Lake for further processing and reporting is a very common scenario in Analytics. Azure Synapse and Data Factory pipelines contain dozens of different connectors to help you integrate these data sources, but what happens when you need to integrate a custom API, or one that does not have a built-in connector? For those cases, the REST connector can help you bring in data from virtually any REST API, without depending on a specific connector.

In this repository, you will find tools to add a custom API and incrementally load data from it. We have used the OpenAQ API as an example so you can quickly test the pipelines. The API exposes air quality data collected from multiple sensors. In this example, we will copy this data to our own Azure Data Lake and perform simple analytics and visualizations to prove out the concepts.

You may the adapt the pipelines to collect data from any REST API of your choice, even private endpoints behind firewalls and authentication.

Solution Architecture

Solution Architecture


To execute the steps below, you will need:

  • An active Azure subscription
  • Contributor access to a resource group


Description Screenshot
Fork this repository Fork Repository
Create resource group to deploy the quickstart resources Create Resource Group
Determine your Azure AD user ID. You can run this command from the CLI:
az ad user show --id "YOUR_EMAIL@COMPANY.COM" --query id
Get user ID
Create a service principal with Contributor access to your resource group. You may use the Azure portal or the following CLI command to so so from the terminal:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "PRINCIPAL_NAME" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --sdk-auth
You will need the command's output for the next step.
Create Service Principal
Go to Settings -> Secrets -> Actions and add the following secrets:
Use the information from the service principal created in the last step.
Create Secrets
Go to Actions and enable workflows for the new repository Enable Actions
Run the workspace deployment workflow, which will deploy the Synapse workspace and all the template resources Enable Actions
Go the storage account and grant the following permissions:
- Storage Blob Data Contributor to yourself and to the Synapse Managed Identity
- Storage Table Data Contributor to yourself and to the Synapse Managed Identity
Allow access
Check out and (optionally) run the pipelines under "OpenAQ". Review Pipelines


The following pipelines are available for you to test and integrate your own APIs:

  • 1_OpenAQ_Set_Up_Metadata: Checks if the metadata table exists and creates it if not.
  • 2_OpenAQ_Incremental_Load: Loads one chunk of data from the API for one sensor.
    • Starts from the current watermark, or the MinDate parameter if no watermark is found.
    • Loads up until an amount of minutes determined by the DeltaMinutes parameter. Will fail if this puts the end of the window past the MaxDate parameter.
    • Saves data in parquet format, partitioning by manufacturer, device, year, month and day. Check out the Copy Data activity for more details.
    • Updates the watermark date to the end of the window loaded.
  • 3_OpenAQ_Sync: Sets up metadata and runs Incremental Load for one sensor until the MaxDate parameter is reached.
    • This will load all new data, from the current watermark until MaxDate.
    • Please monitor this pipeline closely, as this can be a large operation. The default parameters for MinDate and MaxDate will not consume significant resources.
  • 4_OpenAQ_Metadata_Driven: Lists sensors and runs 3_OpenAQ_Sync for each one.
    • The default parameters will limit the listing operation to 20 sensors. In a real-world scenario, you'd have all active sensors being listed and sync'ed.
  • 5_OpenAQ_Cleanup_Location: Convenience pipeline to clear metadata and parquet files for a specific sensor. Useful for testing.
  • 6_OpenAQ_Full Load: Runs Cleanup and Sync operations in sequence for one sensor. Should rarely be used, only in case metadata gets out of sync or for testing purposes.


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Template Azure Synapse Analytics project designed for REST API data.



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