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Stefan J. Wernli edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 6 revisions


VS Code

To work with Q# files in VS Code, only the VS Code extension is needed. To install, open the 'Extensions' view in the VS Code sidebar, or press F1 and select "Extensions: Install Extensions" from the quick menu, and search for the "Azure Quantum Developer Kit (QDK)" extension.


The Q# extension is fully compatible with and web-based editors, so you can use it to run, debug, and submit Q# code from your browser all without requiring any local installation.

Python and Jupyter

To work with Q# code in a Python environment (including Jupyter Notebooks), use the Python package manager pip to install the qsharp and azure-quantum packages as shown below:

# Note: You likely want to be in a separate Python environment when installing packages.
# See for details.
# (Or if using Conda -
pip install --upgrade qsharp azure-quantum

Note that the azure-quantum package is only needed to submit jobs to the Azure Quantum service. If you may want to submit Qiskit jobs to Azure Quantum, also install the qiskit and qiskit-qir packages. See