I want to learn autograd the right way
This is a project for my intellectual curiosity. reimplementation/reengineering autograd based on the full version of Autograd.
To dive into Matthew Johnson autograd package, understand it the best I can, document, and reimplement.
This autograd will function like pytorch.
The video slides by Matthew
the full version of Autograd
tutorial implementation
from autograd.numpy.container import container, VJPNode
import numpy as _np
import autograd.numpy as anp
def Container(val,requires_grad=False):
return container(val,requires_grad=requires_grad,_node=VJPNode.new_root())
x = Container(_np.linspace(-7,7,2),False)
i = Container(_np.linspace(-3,3,2),True)
p = 9+i*x+2/x
- higher order derivates. fix grad pipline.
- Integrate cupy for gpu computation
- Unittest
- random modules
- ordinary differential equations